$69 every month for pills that will cure diabetes. That’s what Science Natural Supplements is hawking to unsuspecting consumers. Below, we’ll explain why you don’t have to spend that kind of money to ward off diabetes. The Glucose Factor is just one of numerous pills that claim to cure diabetes. By definition, they are all scams in the sense that there’s no “cure” for diabetes. Like so many of the diabetes scams that have proliferated on the Internet, Glucose Factor claims to offer a way to reduce blood sugar through a diet that stimulates the pancreas and keeps your blood sugar levels stable. And what they all share in common is that they are info scams. The schemers know that about 50% of American adults are either diabetic or prediabetic. So there’s a big market out there of people looking for low-cost solutions to their medical ills. And these scammers are poised to milk the bank accounts of those unsuspecting people. Like other alleged cures, including Sugar Balance Diabetes Remedy and Blood Sugar Formula, Glucose Factor is peddling questionable cures and over-the-top promises to reduce your bank account rather than your insulin levels.
Unfortunately, many of these sites are making things up. The big red flashing light that should be triggered by these Internet schemes is that nowhere in the promotional materials do they let on to the specifics of their “miracle cures”. They offer fear, largely that “Big Pharma” is stonewalling this information, thus playing into consumers’ fear of conspiracies (not that pharmaceutical companies are angels…). Glucose Factor claims the supplements come from plants and flowers “that are sourced from around the world… ” Don’t believe it. The ingredients are run-of-the-mill additives found in all manner of bogus supplements:
None of these ingredients are new or exotic., including the touted Banaba plant. While early research shows that some banaba extracts help lower blood sugar, the evidence is no where close to scientifically proven. And cinnamon has long been suspected to reduce blood sugar levels….although too much of it could be poisonous. Moreover, cinnamon is dangerous for people with liver damage. Similarly, it’s no secret that bitter melon might also help diabetes, but again, it has undesireable side effects.
Overcharging For Common Herbs
One common tactic by infoscammers is jacking up the prices of common herbal supplements. For example, Glucose Factor wants $69 for a one month supply of what is essentially a blood sugar support pill. The very reputable supplement website Vitacost sells a very similar supplement that includes even larger amounts of cinnamon, gymnema and bitter melon for $6 per month.
Plus, if you want to experiment with banaba, you can purchase a year’s worth of banaba extract in pill form at Vitacost for less than $11. And these pills have 1000% more potency than the $69 per month pills peddled by Glucose Factor. By the way, you may want to compare the Glucose Factor offering with the similarly bogus Blood Sugar Formula. The price and ingredients are almost identical, although the “pitch” is different. Blood Sugar Formula focuses on the addition of chromium, whereas Glucose Factor is on South Asian herbs. The truth is, they are almost identical scams!
Most of the other supplements in Glucose Factor are relatively harmless with marginal medical value. If you try to find any kind of review of this miracle cure you are bludgeoned by fake review sites that are not independent or objective; they are just more marketers trying to take your money. You won’t find any specifics because either they are simply repackaging information available on the Internet for free or they are peddling unscientifically supported “theories” as real “cures”.
We see this kind of scam all of the time; it is an almost textbook scheme by which Internet marketers overcharge consumers for dubious information, much of which is readily available on the Net for free. The typical price charged by these other scammers is $69…almost identical to what Glucose Factor wants to charge your credit card for each bottle of its pills. We dug a bit into this particular diabetes scheme and here’s what we found out.
Exploiting the Placebo Effect
The idea that your brain can convince your body a fake treatment is the real thing. It’s referred to as the placebo effect and has been around for as long as humans have attempted to heal other humans. However, scientists have been able to actually document how placebos work and have found that in some cases a placebo can be just as effective as traditional treatments.
These unscrupulous marketers have seized upon some very sophisticated selling techniques to lure consumers’ into their marketing traps. But perhaps their most effective tool is the scientifically-established placebo effect. It is estimated that between 30-60% of patients find relief from placebos. That means as much as half of the people who spend money on cures may feel some improvement, even if they are being given fake pills or fake info. Enter the infoscammers.
So What Are You Getting For Your $69?
So what are you getting for your hard earned $69? First, it resorts to a marketing strategy in which it enlists an army of “marketing affiliates” who create the fake review websites that use terms like “scam” “does it work” and “review” to rope in unsuspecting consumers who think they are actually getting objective information. Instead, they are getting fake info for which the affiliates will receive very lucrative commissions. Check out the affiliate marketing page below:
This posting at OfferVault is telling affiliate marketers that they will pay out commissions from every consumer who purchases this plan and they estimate the average buyer spends $5950. Is it a scam? Is it a rip-off? Does it work? You’ll never find out from the websites, largely because of an increasingly pernicious Internet industry that offers fake product review sites.
Who Are These Infoscammers?
We call these sites infoscammers because they mostly follow the same pattern. Many of them also have a Leave Page Pop-Up that makes it difficult to return to your Google search. A common scheme they use is “affiliate marketing” by which they try to trick you into thinking that other consumers vouch for the product. They are hawked by affiliate websites that come by a whole array of names, such as “Daily Scam Reviews“, “Review Tools” “Scam Review Today“, “ScamX”, “Queen’s Reviews” and other such sounding websites. The vast majority of them are little more than automated shills for these scam sites, designed to conceal real scam reports. They are authored by professional fake review writing services or “reputation management” companies. While they are all hawking different “products”, the infoscammers share many common sales tactics:
1. They have a link or embedded video of the product/service offer. If the outgoing link on the review product includes an affiliate tracking code, then you can be sure they are being compensated by the link.
2. They don’t have a link describing the qualifications of the “reviewer”.
3. Many of them don’t have a “Contact Us” menu or reveal information about the reviewing organization itself.
4. The quality of the writing is odd — either bad translations or boilerplate sounding sentences.
5. The information at the web site is limited to reviews. If the entire site is nothing seemingly impartial reviews, then the author has no expectation of having visitors return, and consequently, no risk of losing regular visitors.
6. They raise conspiracies. Some “government agency doesn’t want you to know about them”, they most all claim. It may be true, but it’s not for the reason they assert. The government agencies and big corporations aren’t looking to quash their ideas as much as hold them accountable for their unscientific, bogus claims.
7. They offer guarantees. Any offer which uses the word “guarantee” or “no-risk” should be viewed somewhat skeptically. The only deals that is guaranteed are Treasury Bonds, and even there, some governments default on bonds. There’s risk in almost all transactions because otherwise, your return would be close to the 1% or so that you’ll get from the bank for your savings account. Scammers love to use those two words, so when you see or hear those questionable words in an offer, be careful.
More Reasons to Avoid The Glucose Factor Scam
Perhaps most importantly, there is an abundance of free or low-cost diabetes prevention information on the Internet. Amazon offers a number of ebooks that cost nothing and provide well-established, scientifically-validated diabetes treatment plans. The titles include: Diabetes, the Ultimate Guide, The Sugar Solution and Mayo Clinic Essential Diabetes Book — all of this information is free or less than a few bucks; Even easier, you can just click this link and find excellent information about diabetes prevention.
And please consider the recently reported case of a Type-2 diabetes sufferer. She was 3 years old and morbidly obese. After 6 months of lifestyle changes monitored by doctors, she was “cured”. For many people, lifestyle changes really do make a difference. The doctors replaced her soda and fast food diet with balanced home cooked meals and water. And a recent British study suggests that modifying diet is a surefire way of controlling or eliminating Type-2 diabetes.
Free Info About Proven Diabetes Remedies
You don’t have to pay $69 a month for a bogus cure while so much credible and low-cost information is available online. For example, Amazon offers a number of ebooks that cost nothing and provide well-established, scientifically-validated diabetes treatment plans. The titles include: Diabetes, the Ultimate Guide, The Sugar Solution and Mayo Clinic Essential Diabetes Book — all of this information is free or less than a few bucks; Even easier, you can just click this link and find excellent information about diabetes prevention. Need more information? Check out these more reliable sources (both are free):
Our Bottom Line
Based upon our findings, we strongly recommend against anyone forking over their hard-earned money for an overpriced, medically-questionable Internet offer. You can create your own “diabetes miracle cure” for free through weight loss, aerobic exercise along with some resistance training (weights and bands),eating low glycemic foods reducing stress in your life.This is the prescription outlined by hundreds of books online.
If you choose to hand-over your hard-earned dollars to these unscrupulous marketing machines, then be prepared for what follows because once they find someone willing to part with their hard-earned money, you can be sure that they’ll be back with more dubious offers. You’ll now be marked as a “cow” and they’ll try to milk you every way they can with additional offers and costly upgrades. You may want to think twice before you open this nefarious box.