South Beach Skinlab is an overpriced skin care marketer created by notorious medical infoscammer Ryan Shelton. He’s tapped into the fact that people spend billions of dollars of their gold and silver (and paper) on over-the-counter anti-wrinkle cream in an effort to reclaim their youth. We tried counting up all of the various anti-wrinkle concoctions being sold and our computer collapsed from exhaustion. We settled upon the official count of “A LOT”. But skin products like the ones peddled by Ryan Shelton are among the worst of the LOT because they charge so much for so little. In short, it is a rip-off of the worst kind. We’ll explain below more about this infoscammer behind the “Skinlab” as well as tell you about low-cost, proven skincare products that cost a fraction of what Shelton is trying to charge you.
Who is Behind These Skin Products?
If you go to the “Skinlab’s” website and click on “About Ryan Shelton“. You will not find him described as a “Board and N.A.B.N.E Certified Doctor.” If you search for that term, you’ll find it means he’s passed exams by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners. So, he’s a naturopathic examiner, but his website just calls him a doctor. Is that a lie? You can make that decision. However, we believe that when a consumer finds that company is lying, then you need to run away…..and don’t look back. In this case, we dug into “Doctor Shelton” and found two different newspaper ads for another one of his supplements.
Both ads are for NeuroFlo — another potion peddled by the bad doctor. One featured a story about a Texas resident who suffered from chronic neuropathy (no mention of diabetes). The second one was published in the September 26, 2019 St. Louis Post-Dispatch and highlights one of the ingredients – horse herb. Again, no mention of diabetes-related pain. Both of them reference Dr. Ryan Shelton, M.D. We’ve investigated him and learned that Ryan Shelton is not a medical doctor. Moreover, he’s an Internet scammer. Yet, repeatedly he bills himself as a physician, which is a violation of naturopath rules in California. On one of his web offerings, he calls himself a “licensed primary care physician” yet there’s no listing of him in the Hawaiian Licensing Division as a medical doctor.
In both of these ads, they use a term that is flat-out wrong. If it happened only once, you might think it’s a typo. But it happens repeatedly. Over the past 10 years, Shelton has moved around the U.S. frequently and appears to current have practices in “sun-soaked” Hawaii as well as having a presence in Australia. The Zenith Laboratories that he is listed as the medical director of this Illinois-based supplement vendor, although Shelton has no medical practice in that state. The At one website, Shelton claims: “between his best-selling books and his medical practice in Hawaii, Dr. Ryan has helped hundreds of thousands of men & women…” A search on Amazon Books finds no book authored or sold by Ryan Shelton. Similarly, a search of the Library of Congress shows no book by Shelton. Even Google comes up snake eyes. Not only has Shelton not published any books, but whatever ebooks he has sold on the Internet can hardly be called “best selling”. Why does he lie about his credentials and his publishing record? To learn even more about Shelton and his many medical infoscams, just check out our webpage dedicated to the pills, potions, quack cures, misleading websites and even fertility clinics with which he’s associated.
More Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Even Consider Buying Shelton’s Products
South Beach SkinLab sells five skin products. They aren’t cheap, even compared to some of the higher-end skin products on the market. For example, Shelton claims that his Repair and Release cream” reverses wrinkles, tones skin, and reduces sagging while increasing collagen production. Yes, Shelton is taking on the laws of nature. So the question is whether his anti-wrinkle creams really combat aging and whether they are worth the often stratospheric price charged.
We say it is not worth the money for two BIG reasons:
- The website won’t disclose the ingredients in its skin cream.
- Its advertising claims are highly questionable.
Note specifically that it doesn’t list the active ingredients anywhere on its websites and doesn’t indicate how much retinol is included in the cream. Because it is a non-prescription cream, there is going to be very little “retinol” or, more correctly, Retin A in the cream. Makers of the over-the-counter creams and gels don’t have to say how much retinol their products contain, and in the short term, the products might not be as effective as tretinoin. According to WebMD, it takes about 3 to 6 months of daily use to notice a difference. With prescription retinoids, a patient might notice smoother, more even-toned skin in as early as 6 to 8 weeks. But beware that prescription Retin-A based-creams can be 100 times” potent as the retinol-containing products sold without prescription. One of the problems is that the retinol found in over-the-counter products changes to retinoic acid when you put it on your skin and is less effective.
Keep in mind the warnings issued by the Federal government about anti-aging products: low-cost trial offers for anti-aging products should be avoided.
Now, about the price. While some Retin-A prescription creams can be somewhat expensive, the generic trentinoin creams are not expensive at all while others generally run for about $60 for a 20-gram tube or $130 for a 45 gram tube. Pharmacies located at Costco, Sams Club or other discount pharmacies will charge less. We found 1 oz jars sold on Amazon for $67. There are 28 grams in an ounce……so South Beach SkinLab cream is being sold at a price that is shockingly close to a prescription version of Retin-A!.
So-Called Review Sites Are Misleading
Another red flag: if you look for a review of this product, you are deluged with lots of fake review or “scam” sites that simply direct you to the main sales site or offer some pablum talking about how the product is highly rated or recommended. (such as, and other affiliate websites posing as reviewers) The marketers for this service paid to have these fake sites thwart any customer looking for real reviews. It is also a tactic to obscure any customers who have posted complaints or alerts about fraudulent claims. Any products that have lots of these affiliate websites should be avoided. Some of these affiliate marketing sites claim to “review” the product. But don’t believe them. They are just trying to sell you a product for which they make money.
Better Alternatives to South Beach SkinLab Products
Ultimately, it is up to the individual as to overpay for skin-care products that don’t reveal its ingredients and has chosen not to publish safety studies. We recommend that if you want to potentially spend/waste your money on high-end skin care products that you consult the Cosmetics Database to look up the ingredients in products to check their toxicity levels. There, you can find low-toxicity alternatives at a fraction of South Beach SkinLab’s cost. Ultimately, the best — and lowest cost — strategy to combat wrinkles (and aging, in general) continues to be:
- Wear sunscreen
- Don’t smoke
- Treat your skin well
- Eat healthy
- Manage stress.
There appears to be consensus among experts that most cases skin creams are harmless, although they are not likely better than moisturizers like Vaseline or Cetaphil that sell for less than a 10th or a 100th of the price. Consumer Reports frequently tests anti-wrinkle skin creams and are consistently “underwhelmed”. In 2012, the reputable consumer testing group tried out 7 skin creams and recommended none of them. It found that retinoids, or vitamin A derivatives, (Retin-A) remain the only proven topical prescription remedy for wrinkles. But there’s a big difference between prescription and non-prescription retinol products. Aleurier cream is a very weak non-prescription…..but being offered at prescription prices.
Try these first time-tested and very low-cost strategies…………and only after that should you consider anti-wrinkle cream. If you go that route, you might as well pay for a prescription-strength retinol cream. As for South Beach SkinLab, well, we can only say “caveat emptor” and “good luck”.
I fell for it and I finally realized that this cream is being advertised on his website using the same model with the same pictures of her face looking beautiful after using his South Beach Cream and the same picture is being used in an advertisement for another oil that is being sold by a different doctor. Also be careful when you try to get your refund with one of these doctors. I went thru countless emails with another brand giving me excuses that they will send me 30% of what I spent if I do not return the bottles and I said no I wanted to return them. After asking for the address to return the bottles I was given the address in China. Originally marked from California but that is just a drop off address. When I realized how much it was going to charge me to return it I told them to give me the 30% because it was going to cost me too much to return and she told me the refund would be 15% now. I blew up and finally had to get my bank involved with my credit card. I finally got my refund but my bank said they may fight it anyway and to watch my account to see if they recharge me for some reason they come up with. Don’t buy into any of these so called doctors.
Cannot not even find an address to return their horrible products. A sham at this time there are not regulatory agencies who can put a stop to these scam artists who are making mega bucks.
Thank you for all the comments on this skin care. Wish I had checked this unknown product first. I can be so trusting. Since it’s already on its way, I will not return it since reading where one did that but did not receive her money back. How can people sleep at night when they lie, cheat and steel? I am making sure my friends hear about this.
To answer your question as to how these people sleep at night…They do it on expensive mattresses and bedding that people like you and me have (over)paid(them) for. Scammers sleep well, justify their actions and live in wealth as long as they can.
I too fell for the hopes of this actually working, followed all the positive feedback.. After all I have tried so many big name products, nothing works. In desperation I tried this, bought 3 jars at new buyer discount. I have just finished my 2nd jar, absolutely no difference in even the fine lines. After the 1st jar I called before the 30 days & spoke with someone, I said I’m not returning this in all fairness because I didn’t feel 30 days was long enough to show results & because I have spent this much on other brands that I was going to go for the 2cd jar, well still no difference. I asked if I was doing the right thing, twice a day, exfoliating 2 x’s a week, scrubbing in between with a clean face. She said I was doing all the right things & I should see results soon, but all people are different & we all know that. ALL THAT POSITIVE FEEDBACK WAS A LIE & they are probably people who got paid to say those things & pictures can be smoothed over. So lesson learned again. 3 jars cost me $139.00 another disappointment. don’t fall for it. I am 62 with an active life, drink lots of water & watch the sun etc, There are no miracle creams .
Here’s a tip. Glycerin (any kind but my favorite is amazon found and organic called NV Superfoods) and Shea Butter (again, most any kind but I prefer SheaTerra and it’s organic and I’ve done business with them long enough to know they’re trustworthy, honest and have good products, but sometimes a little slow) but ANY brand will work, possibly just as good or better than I’ve named above. Mix the two together Shea softens and conditions your skin and glycerin draws moisture to your skin.6-months or more so of miracle face product for less than$50 And, for all over your body treat, add some of your favorite essential oil or perfume to the concoction and smell good too. Warning. Shea is oily and glycerin is sticky (it’s sugar!) but hey, it’s a miracle product you rather be greasy and sticky for a night or be GREASED by some scammer like this and be so broke you can’t afford cheap sugar water? Smile. It’s true, I only wanted to pass the truth along with a cheerful note!
Spent over $400 on this junk. Tried to get refund but they said waited too long for full refund but if I kept the junk they would refund 1/2 of the money Guess that was better than nothing but as soon as I get the 1/2 refund I will call credit card and see what they can do because credit card said they could not revive the charge because they charged separately each product and until I could find out each individual items cost. GUESS WHAT they refused to give me individual cost. Never felt so stupid in my life. Usually get all info first but not this time.
Thank you so much for letting us know about this bad news company.
Ordered product, returned product and still no refund!!! Need to be more aware of these kind of scams.
Loved it, but used in conjunction w/ other products & was about to reorder, glad I saw this. Thanks from Houston. J Graham
Question: and mind you, I am NOT recommending this scam company, but I have to ask. You said that you loved it and were getting ready to buy more until you read this. Well, if it worked for you and you loved it, WHY are you now deciding not to buy it. If I found something I loved for my skin, and it worked, whether they were scammers or not I would continue to buy it. If I told you that water was bad for you, would you stop drinking it? I mean, seriously. Think things through. I’m not trying to be mean, but trying to help you as you go through life. This place could be the scammer and not them. (keep in mind I do not believe that this place is dishonest, and I would rely on their information but do so because of FACTS I know, not because they said so today)
Great article ! I truly wish they’d regulate these products & claims more stringently. Back when I first started going through Chemo/ radiation, that also triggered early menopause ( lucky, lucky me,huh?*chuckle*,) all of which had a huge effect on my skin looking wan, tired, dull & plain old , I was one of those ppl that fell for a scam of this type, either by him or one of the other hundred other scamsters of this ilk. Thankfully I smartened up fast, since ever since I did I get targeted ads from Google of this type daily now ( even after changing my ad preferences !)
P.S… Good thing I did too, since as I write this, there’s currently a banner ad for not 1, but 2 types of these scam product ads running both immediately above & below your article !! LMFAO
Something that really helped my skin although I’ve not been through what you have (in addition to my comments above about shea butter and glycerin as a face treatment) is collagen. I drink it in my morning coffee, and it has helped my appearance as well as how I feel. After covid I looked ghostly and sick. This helped immensely. I admire your bravery in your journey and hope the best of health for you!
Thank God! I always do my reseach before buying from any strenge website. I listened to the ad. and notice somethings were too good to be true.
Thanks for your information and honesty.
We appreciate you!
Me too !! I knew it sounded too good to be true ! And I didn’t fall for the “Mary’s” story for a second !
I What is the under the impression that you could return it anytime It’s been past 30 days and I still have 2 jars can I still return it do you think
Wow about this story. However I purchased these products at TJMAXX fo $5-7 each. Love the Firm & Lift
We’ve been unable to verify that these SkinLab products are sold at TJMaxx. If they are, hopefully they are far more reasonably priced than what is charged by this on-line marketer.
I am desperately trying to return these stupid, awful products before the 30 days are up. I’ve run into financial trouble and cannot afford the way-too-high fee. The address in Florida does not exist. The address in Sparks, Nevada is some warehouse called ITS Logistics. I guess I’m screwed. Next stop…BBB.
Document your efforts to return the products and then submit a dispute to your credit card issuer and indicate that you want a refund on what you paid and you want them to stop any future payments to the vendor.
I don’t mean to be rude but next stop is BBB – They don’t have the power or authority to do ANYTHING to help you. Please. Look them up. That’s not what they do, and people pay to be listed with them.