What would you do if you meet a new person and the first thing they tell you is clearly a lie? You’d likely runaway. Well, pretty much the first thing that Morning Fat Melter tells you is a lie: its creator Dawn Sterrit doesn’t exist. And that’s not the only lie to which you’ll be subjected. Our advice: runaway!
The Morning Fat Melter is one of a series of highly problematic Internet weight loss offerings. By our definition, it is not only a scam but a disturbing examples of how Internet marketers steal money from unsuspecting consumers. They claim to lose 72 pounds and drop 12 dress sizes in 120 days, when even liposuction can’t accomplish this feat. This scam’s story is similar to most other scam stories: a woman named Dawn Sterrit comes up with yet another weight-loss program attributed to “4 herbs and nutrients”. Like so many other questionable scams, the “creator” of this program doesn’t exist. Their target is women who feel badly about their bodies. Don’t let them exploit your fears. Here’s why you shouldn’t give Morning Fat Melter your money:
Misleading Marketing
There are two things about Morning Fat Melter that cause our greatest concerns. First, it resorts to a marketing strategy in which it enlists an army of “marketing affiliates” who create the fake review websites that use terms like “scam” “does it work” and “review” to rope in unsuspecting consumers who think they are actually getting objective information. Instead, they are getting fake info for which the affiliates will receive very lucrative commissions through Clickbank. And guess who is paying for those commissions?
This posting at Clickbank is telling affiliate marketers that they will pay out $41.49 from every consumer who purchases this plan. Given that they only charge $37 for people who sign up, this confirms that they use upselling to squeeze more money from the unsuspecting consumers. This is a red-flashing light that a scam is afoot.
The Science Behind the Diet Is Non-Existent
The second red flashing light is that the science behind the weight loss is highly questionable. The marketer relies upon a promise of “herbs and nutrients” if you are willing to shell out your $37. Our bet: you’ll essentially receive basic weight loss information (which you can find online for free), a few diet recommendations, a recipe for spicy tea and a set of exercise videos.
Our greatest concern — and one that you should share — is that these marketers are less interested in selling you this book and its information. They are laser focused on upselling you are much as possible and making as much money from you as possible. Their e-books are the bait to ensnare you. If you must take that bait, so be it. But attempt to avoid the other traps that lay await for you by unscrupulous marketers who apparently will bombard you with offers once you enter their realm.
If you’ve made the mistake of signing up for this scheme, you can get a refund within 60-days of purchase from Clickbank. Do it! Once you sign up for these kinds of scams, you’ll be targeted for even more of them.
Dawn Sterrit Doesn’t Exist
Sleuthing by ContraHealthScam discovered that Dawn Sterrit does NOT exist. This is because the before-after photo passed off as her actually belongs to a 45-year old woman called Michelle Arthur. This is hardly surprising. Scams like Morning Fat Melter are known to fabricate authors and testimonials. It’s what they do, regularly.
Free or Low-Cost Diets That Work
There is an abundance of free or low-cost lifestyle offerings available on line. Begin by going to this free and reputable website and then follow-up with your doctor to make sure that the diet you’ve chosen will work for you. Another way is to use a high-protein diet or meal replacements; that’s one of the reasons why the Paleo Diet has proven so effective.
Another is through gradual weight-loss plans that change your lifestyle, and not just your calories. Perhaps most importantly, these are free or low-cost diets available on line. Please know that no matter how well-intentioned you are, without a commitment to exercise and substantial lifestyle changes, you likely won’t succeed in maintaining any weight loss. And if you have that commitment or will-power, then just about ANY diet will succeed. You don’t have to pay $40 for the information. Begin by going to the Mayo Clinic’s free and reputable website. The medical experts at the Clinic have fashioned a thoughtful and time-tested plan that has worked for untold numbers of people. Then follow-up with your doctor to make sure that the diet you’ve chosen will work for you.
Here are some additional free and reputable dieting and weight-loss resources for you on the Net:
Livestrong Diet – Aims for a loss of about 1-2 pounds per week.
GM Diet – It’s not really a General Motors-designed diet plan. It’s actually a short one-week detox program. But it could be a useful starter to a major personal diet reboot. Linora Low gives a helpful (and free) step-by-step video and written guide to how to do this detox program.
The Lose Weight Diet – It does what many of the diet scammers do (take free information and distill it down to 3 easily understood phases) but he actually offers it for free!
Our Bottom Line
Our bottom line: you don’t have to spend $37 to get information about how to sleep better (couched in ways to make you think you’ll lose weight). And beware ANY Net-based sales pitch that has uncredentialed, slick video presentations with no independent reviews. It may not be a scam, but it is probably a rip-off because it is overpriced for what it is offering. In this case, there’s lots of good diet information in the marketplace offered at a fraction of the cost of most weight loss schemes. Save your hard-earned money.
One additional warning: once you give them your money, you’ll be tagged as “meat”. Once they know that you’ll fall for this pitch, the same marketers will be coming back to you over and over and over for other such pitches. When the Clickbank ad talks about “conversions” they are talking about their ability to get consumers to pay more and more and more. As they get sucked into his marketing web, he “milks” them. So understand that if you pay these marketers anything….let alone $37…..they’ll continue to hound you with more slick schemes designed to prey on your fears and concerns. Don’t open your door or wallet to them.