What would you do if you meet a new person and the first thing they tell you is clearly a lie? You’d likely runaway. Well, pretty much the first thing that the Cinderella Solution tells you is a lie: its creator Carly Donovan doesn’t own a fitness studio. And that’s not the only lie to which you’ll be subjected. Our advice: runaway!
The Cinderella Solution weight loss scheme claims that Carly Donovan, owner of a fitness center, authored “two-step” process will help you lose massive amounts of fat. In fact, this faux-diet plan is crafted by Internet marketers looking to make your wallet lighter….not your body. The target of these unscrupulous marketers is young women who are insecure about their bodies. As you’ll read below, you are all getting played by clever, but greedy, marketers. And, as you’ll learn below, there is likely no Carly Donovan, there is definitely no fitness center, most of the testimonials are fake and the promised weight loss is unlikely to happen. What will happen is that you’ll be at least $37 poorer and will continue to be targeted for yet more diet scams.
In addition to the Cinderella Solution, recent Net offerings include Fat Obliterator, Venus Factor Weight Loss, Trouble Spot Nutrition, Fat Diminisher, The Truth About Cellulite, Pound Melter and the Weight Destroyer, just to name a few. Their slick websites ask for the “low price” of $35-39.95 for what appears to be an ebook or a “program” that “guarantees” weight loss. This is a textbook version of the numerous other $39.95 infoscams that have infected the Web over the last three years. The Cinderella Solution has opted to charge $37….which is pretty standard. (although if you refuse that offer, they’ll also sell the same “system” for $27).
Here’s how it works: you are treated to a videomercial that touts the “proven way to lose weight; many of them are targeted specifically at women. Is it a scam? Is it a rip-off? Does it work? You’ll never find out, largely because of an increasingly pernicious Internet industry that uses fake product review sites to hide customer reactions. You’ll also never be able to find out about the credentials of the authors — none apparently exist on the Internet, nor are they provided at his own alleged web site. So, should you spend the $37? We recommend not, for the following reasons:
1. There’s a reason this sales pitch is slick — they spend a lot of marketing money to get it to you. Who is paying for that? You are. And, like many scammers, they are using Clickbank to sell their ebook so don’t assume you’ll get a refund. “Rock solid guarantee”…..don’t bet on it. The scammers bet on the fact that most consumers won’t seek refunds until after the 60-day period expires. In fact, they count on it.
2. If you look for a review of the product, you are deluged with lots of fake review or “scam” sites that simply direct you to the main sales site or offer some officious pablum talking about how the product is highly rated or recommended. The marketers for this service pay 75% commission for any referrals they generate. So these “affiliate marketers” create create fake review sites which effectively thwart any customer who is looking for real reviews. It is also a tactic to obscure any customers who have posted complaints or alerts about fraudulent claims. This affiliate marketing trick makes it very difficult for consumers to detect this and other such scams, As one persevering blogger has noted, scam artists rely upon these fraudulent reviewers to be using tags like: “does it work?”, “is it a scam?” or “verified review” to suck unsuspecting consumers into this fraud. In the case of the Cinderella Solution, they are offering affiliate marketers the standard 75%, meaning of the $37 you fork over to these fraudsters, they paid $33 to the affiliate website that promoted this scheme.
3. In the case of the Cinderella Solution, the alleged author is allegedly a woman named Carly Donovan. They even have pictures of her and some of the affiliate marketers claim that Ms. Donovan is the owner of a fitness center called Pound Transformations. Google searches for either Ms. Donovan and her so-called fitness center turn up nothing. There’s no evidence that Ms. Donovan actually exists and there are no photos of her posted in online search engines. Cleverly, the websites hawking the Cinderella Solution offer no qualifications or credentials about the author. Moreover, many of the pictures posted on the website are stock photos purchased from online graphics companies.
4. There are no specific details about the weight-loss regimen, other than that it offers information on “flavor pairing” and “meal plans”. It alludes to a “diet-free solution that re-wires and re-awakens your Scientifically-Proven 22-hour-a-day weight loss magnification systems” yet provides no other details. It supposedly works by balancing and stabilizing the activities of ‘your 3 “Queen Beauty” and Youth Hormones insulin, cortisol and estrogen.
Her science is all wrong! First off, insulin is a fat storage hormone, not a ‘skinny hormone’. Second, she confuses cortisol with serotonin as the ‘the happy hormone’. Finally, she offers no scientific support for her claim that ‘the female metabolism is hardwired to fail after 20 years-old’ is blatantly false. That’s because her facts are wrong: metabolism failure for people under 50 is the result of a disease and not aging.
This Solution is A Marketing Scam, and Nothing More
You’ll never get any specifics about the plan, because there really isn’t a diet plan as much as a marketing plan. Check out how these marketers explain their program to affiliates: it’s all about upselling and getting more money out of their “marks”.
So once you send your hard-earned money to “Carly Donovan”, you become ensnared in a sophisticated marketing scam designed to wring more money out of you using empty and vague promises. They claim that 68% of their customers will be “upsold” to buy even more useless things.
Free Alternatives to the Cinderella Solution Scam
Perhaps most importantly, there is an abundance of free or low-cost diets available on line. Sadly, most all of them don’t work. Fad diets been around for so long that we lose weight just calculating all of the weight loss schemes out there. They are all appealing because they make it look as though others have succeeded. But be aware that the only fat that melts away is whatever surplus existed in your checking account. In fact, fad diets that promise dramatic results often can be dangerous. Please know that no matter how well-intentioned you are, without a commitment to exercise and substantial lifestyle changes, you likely won’t succeed in maintaining any weight loss. And if you have that commitment or will-power, then just about ANY diet will succeed. You don’t have to pay $40 for the information. Begin by going to this free and reputable website and then follow-up with your doctor to make sure that the diet you’ve chosen will work for you. Another way is to use a high-protein diet or meal replacements; that’s one of the reasons why the Paleo Diet has proven so effective.
Another is through gradual weight-loss plans that change your lifestyle, and not just your calories. Perhaps most importantly, these are free or low-cost diets available on line. Please know that no matter how well-intentioned you are, without a commitment to exercise and substantial lifestyle changes, you likely won’t succeed in maintaining any weight loss. And if you have that commitment or will-power, then just about ANY diet will succeed. You don’t have to pay $37 for the information. Begin by going to the Mayo Clinic’s free and reputable website. The medical experts at the Clinic have fashioned a thoughtful and time-tested plan that has worked for untold numbers of people. Then follow-up with your doctor to make sure that the diet you’ve chosen will work for you.
Here are some additional free and reputable dieting and weight-loss resources for you on the Net:
Livestrong Diet – Aims for a loss of about 1-2 pounds per week.
GM Diet – It’s not really a General Motors-designed diet plan. It’s actually a short one-week detox program. But it could be a useful starter to a major personal diet reboot. Linora Low gives a helpful (and free) step-by-step video and written guide to how to do this detox program.
The Lose Weight Diet – It does what many of the diet scammers do (take free information and distill it down to 3 easily understood phases) but he actually offers it for free!
Our bottom line: you don’t have to spend $37 to get information about how to lose weight. And beware ANY Net-based sales pitch that has uncredentialed, slick video presentations with no independent reviews. It may not be a scam, but it is probably a rip-off because it is overpriced for what it is offering. In this case, there’s lots of good diet information in the marketplace offered at a fraction of the cost of most weight loss schemes. Save your hard-earned money.
One additional warning: once you give them your money, you’ll be tagged as “meat”. Once they know that you’ll fall for this pitch, the same marketers will be coming back to you over and over and over for other such pitches. So understand that if you pay these marketers anything….let alone $40…..they’ll continue to hound you with more slick schemes designed to prey on your fears and concerns. Don’t open your door or wallet to them.
This is NOT a scam. I’ve released 90lbs since August 2019 and have kept it off. My blood test results are all within range and my health gets better everyday. I’ve never felt better! I’m 36 years old and a mom. This lifestyle change, while difficult at first, was the best thing I’ve ever done for myself and my daughter. Yes, you get annoying emails from them, but whatever just delete or ignore them. The science behind this “Solution” is legit and 100 percent worth the hangry first 2 weeks. If you end up doing this, join the Facebook group for $20/month, it’s totally worth it because you can ask questions, get support from other women, and new recipes to switch it up. I’ve tried all other fad diets and nothing else has worked for me. This is not a fad diet, it’s a lifestyle change so if it didn’t work for you, then you were prob not following it correctly. I repeat, this is absolutely NOT a scam.
Agreed! I bought the book ONLY and its it’s working amazingly for me. Was down 40 lbs in 6 months. Took 6 months off (covid stress, and thinking a break would help make sure my skin could adjust) back on it again and have lost another 10. Working towards my goal of 80 altogether.
It’s a shame that all the slick advertising and upselling on the website makes it look like a scam.
*I have no affiliation with Cinderella solutions*
But I bought the e-book, only the book. And I can’t speak for anyone else, but it’s working for me! I lost 50 lbs so far.
The hype on the website was annoying, but I ignored every upsell–no coaching, etc. But it was still worthwhile. The style of it spoke to me. It helped me see better ways to eat. Coached me through it, gave me clear examples. Maybe there are free websites out there that could teach me the same stuff. But doing that is too hard to find for me, to synthesize, to apply to my life. Cinderella Solutions made it easy for me and I’m getting results when trying it on my own never worked.
So if it’s a scam…it’s the best one I ever fell for.
Can someone please tell me how to cancel my membership with them? I’ve been trying for a week and still getting charged
If you’ve been unable to cancel using Clickbank, then we recommend you contact your credit card issuer and dispute any charges that you’d not specifically authorize. The credit card issuer will know what to do.
I wish I would have seen this article before trying out Cinderella Solutions. I cancelled within 60 days of ordering and received a refund for the initial $27. However, I did not realize that when cancelling you have to specify to cancel your monthly, reoccurring $20 charge for their so called “coaching”. So if you cancel make sure you specify that you want to cancel the coaching/monthly reoccurring charge. Unfortunately, I did not catch this charge until last week. CLK Bank refunded me for 2 out of the 10 months I was charged, so basically I paid for 8 months $160, to which CLK Bank & Cinderella Solutions claim they “because it is not possible for me to do It in the system.” I plan on disputing these charges with my Bank and hopefully get all or some of my money back. I would also like to point out that even though they continued to take $20 per month for “coaching” I never received any type of coaching…no emails, FB messages, nothing!! Otherwise I would have realized sooner that I was still getting charged.
thank you very much for this analysis
Really healpfull review
Here is ClickBank’s Customer Support contact info:
+1 208-345-4245
Thank you! I hope they stand behind this scam with a full refund as advertised!!!!
Thank you for this! I was >thisclose< to clicking the order now button. I will try something else to get rid of this weight!
Very informative page. Lots of helpful info here. I am sending it to several friends. And of course, thank you in your effort!
Thanks for taking the time to share this info with all of us Net people. Appreciate it.
Simple but very precise info… Many thanks for your research on this company.
Absolute rip off and shameless scam. Stay away people.
Whoever is behind this… you will get your day for sure!
Thank you for this article, I like to read everything that concerns health especially when it is about a product that allows losing weight.
I canceled from work 1 still am being charged ..no refund and have paid monthly I overlooked ..its wrong to flat steal.
I have never opened a page canceled and keep getting charged ..hundreds how can I stop them .??? Pay pal was used .rip off bad.
Thanks for sharing your honest reviews
Carly Donovan Taylor-Scott is real. She just didn’t really used to be overweight. I highly doubt she almost died.
She was pregnant once, per her Facebook account, but her pictures aren’t private and you can trace way back and she’s never been heavy or had a weight problem.
She and her husband, Merrick Taylor-Scott, are very wealthy and appear to be some sort of fitness or online coaching gurus or they’re just very successful at peddling different products. Her husband even has a public post asking about ClickBank and Facebook funneling. Not sure why you’d want your research in scamming people to be so public. Weird.
I’d just left a message asking for help in canceling this scam. Afterwards I found a message on another site. To cancel call ClickBank at 800-390-6035. They refunded my money and cancelled future payments. They were really very helpful. Admin, please post this to help others. Best of luck to you all.
I ma sorry that you all have been or felt cheated. But I for one am doing the program and it is . working for me. $37 dollars is a small price to pay for a program. Other weight loss programs want lots more and monthly payments too. You don’t have to buy her products. Go to any health store and buy your own. The thing that I really love is that I am eatin healthier plus I have no craving for sweets, etc. So I feel sorry for those of you who find this a scam because I for one do not.
There are monthly payments!
I bought the plan for $37. There are no monthly payments unless you opt for the extras.
Missy, My name is Dr. Walter Whitfield. I have over 40 years experience in the field of wholistic health and nutrition. I work more as a consultant now. You have a biochemical imbalance.
Fortify your commitment to your self!! Get to your doctor and tell them to check your hormonal levels. Specifically those which control the Pituitary and the thyroid glands. There are two different tests. Tell the doctor to order them both! This will give you a starting point. The human body is a biochemical machine. It works from the inside out.
Hi, thanks for posting this article. I have seen a lot of advertisement around Cinderella Solution so naturally I was drawn to it. I think I will keep my money in my wallet on this one.
I am not much of a gym goer and prefer to workout at home because it’s private and is a time saver over going to a gym.
I have done a couple of beachbody workouts like PiYo, but have not tried the on demand service. I like that it’s from a reputable company, but I don’t know if I am ready for a subscription service. Does anyone know if this kind of thing might be a better alternative to something like Cinderella?
Thanks again for exposing this scam.
I was going to order this, because I am desperate to lose the weight I have gained. I have gone from 123lbs – 199lbs and can not seem to get rid of it. I too have joined a gym and did not see any weight loss, and had to fight to get rid of the membership. I have counted calories, I snack on fruits and vegetables, watch how much sweets I eat and still cannot lose the weight. If anyone out there knows of away to shed the fat I am pleading to let me know.
There is a weight loss plan called Shibboleth that you can do online and the have 2 centers in Georgia. You eat food bought at store and carbs but you combine food to control insulin level.
Look at dietdoctor.com.
I did not order this product and cannot find a number to call to cancel and get a refund. Can you help? I contacted click bank , but cannot reach cinderellasolution for them to stop the subscription.
If you did not order the Cinderella Solution and Clickbank will not refund your money, you likely should contact your credit card issuer and dispute the charge on the basis that it was not authorized. Trying to contact Cinderella Solutions directly will prove to be difficult but you can try at this link: https://www.thecinderellasolutionprogram.com/contact-us/If you ordered the product you should have received some receipt email from either Clickbank or Cinderella Solution.Hope this helps.
Well the goal is to make woman 25+ lose weight so you can call it a scam if someone follows it and has not lose weight. Its not because there are proposing the product through AFFILIATE that its a scam.
Here’s the point that you may be missing. Our issue isn’t with affiliate marketing. Our issue is with how affiliate marketers try to deceive consumers. In most cases, they hold themselves out as “reviewers” and “objective” analyzers of the product. Yet, they are simply shills pushing a product for which they are paid handsomely. That’s the scam. And that’s why we recommend that consumers place little weight on such sites.
I just watched the video…which I came across on Facebook…and I did decide to order it to try it out…but it said that I would have immediate access to it after payment and I do not…they asked for email and shipping address but I have received no email from them…and there was no option to download anything after my purchase… I had googled trying to find their customer service number because supposedly with purchase you were supposed to have access to 24 hour customer service…but it never gave the number…but I have been unable to locate a customer service number for them…that is actually how I came across this when I was searching for that though…luckily though any online purchases I make are through PayPal now for that reason because I had an issue one other time with an online purchase through a website and PayPal insures any purchase you make…so all I have to do is contact them and they will cancel the payment I’m sure.
Check your spam folder
I ordered the $37 program, as well as the lean greens solution (that is supposed to be wonderful tasting). That was the nastiest stuff I have ever tasted and could not make myself drink that on a daily basis. I called Clickbank twice. Both times, they told me to contact help@cinderellasolutions.com, and that I should hear something back within 24-48 hours. It’s been over a week, now, and I have heard nothing. There is no contact number listed anywhere either. This is a SCAM! They need to be shut down.
Clickbank is supposed to issue the refund. You should not be communicating with Cinderella Solutions. Focus your efforts on Clickbank — they may be trying to run the 60-day clock down, after which you can no longer claim a refund.
Mix with applesauce
I ordered the Cinderella Solution and paid the $37 dollars for it and downloaded the program and everything, but when I found out that it was just a whole lot of on-line reading which I did not desire to do, in the next few minutes on the same day I ordered it, I requested a refund and was sent a refund receipt by email saying that my money had been refunded but I never received my $37 dollars back, and probably never will. I wish I had seen this information before I spent the money.
This breaks me heart. Women misled into thinking they have finally found the weight loss of their dreams when in fact, they are scammed. I watched that commercial for about an hour emailed the info to myself because I don’t yet have the money for something like it… Glad I saw this. What I maybe can offer to this discussion is that I lived inand near Tokyo for 3.5 years. And yes, its easy to stay slim on a Japanese diet (came back to UK and put on a few stone afterwards!) however I put it more down to the traditional Japanese diet; very simple and unprocessed. They have lots of little pickled veggies and when they do deep friend food, It is in small portions surrounded by a lot of veggie/seaweed ie type of things/spring onions and rice. In UK we go all out for friend food and make the whole meal greasy! They don’t use much dairy either and eat tiny portions which for me as a westerner was always too small when I tried to do as my colleagues did and stick to filling one tiny bento box. Elementary schools have nutritionists planning the meals. It is a culture where children are not raised on sweets and chocolate but on miso soup, rice and lots of green stuff in tiny quantities and much variety…. I think I’ll just stick to eating food that goes throgh minimal process and make the cakes and biccies an occasional treat… WW is working for me sufficiently. Thank you
I contacted the charging bank @ 1-800-390-6035, just now. Have your order numbers ready. If you agreed to more than one of the TONS of offers. For me, it was the audio book, the subscription & the monthly membership. I provided all 3 order numbers & requested All charges from Cinderella solution be cancelled immediately. The rep. (Donna) spoke very Fast to attempt to keep some lesser charges so, Listen Closely & Stop them. I said, No, I want to cancel All charges, including Any future charges. I then asked her to wait as I reviewed the email confirmations she stated were being sent. I watched them come through immediately. She tried Very Hard to Rush me and end the call. Be persistent & repeat that you want to verify that All charges be Refunded Immediately with NO Future Charges. She confirmed All 3 were being refunded with No future charges. I documented Everything. If I receive Future charges or do Not receive the refunds, I will contact my own credit card company and give the info as well as contact the Better Business Bureau to report the Scam. I hope this is helpful to anyone else who fell for this-like I did. Good Luck. I will post an update if the issue isn’t completely resolved. Good luck, everyone. 🙂
Hahahha so funny talking about scam ads on a blog and the marketeers behind it. But let them advertise about the same products on your own site. And by coincidence the sites that you recommend are also selling something or full of scammy advertising. People watch out with those blogs. They are not so well-meant as you might be thinking. Think before believing anyone!!!
That’s actually a valid point, Alicia. We try hard to control who and what advertises on the SDCAN site. It’s a constant struggle with Google Ads. We’ve blocked well over 100 ads because of concerns that they are the wrong-doers that we call out. Yet, they keep sneaking ads onto our page but slightly changing their names or other small details. We appreciate you bringing this up and encourage all of this site’s users to be wary of any of the ads that might pop up on any website. They are not necessarily endorsed by the website itself.
I have been using the Cinderella solution since the middle of August . I started with the accelerate which was three weeks long and I kept going on accelerate and now I’m switching to the ignite portion. I have lost two sizes.
I am in healthcare and what she is saying is truthful but you have to know when you buy things what to look for you have to look and beware of scammers and you also have to know that throughout someone’s hour long presentation they’re going to try to sell you everything else it’s just like buying from a door-to-door salesman … kind a like Kirby vacuum cleaners !
And oh by the way you can buy her a book .. in paperback at Target for $16.99.
I wish everyone the best and whatever journey they are taking thank you .
Where have you seen this at Target? It’s not on their website.
My friend just sent me a video of them talking about this and I’m scared they’re getting scammed. They’re not really doing it much as a way to lose weight as much as they’re marketing for them because they need the money. I want to encourage them looking for work, they’ve had lots of trouble with it in the past, but I don’t want to make them feel like I’m shutting them down. I’m dropping some “watch out for pyramid schemes” but I don’t want to be pushy. I hope they didn’t drop money on this yet but if they’re advertising for them they probably already have sadly.
So I ordered this program and have been following it for 2 weeks and 3 days. I have lost 16 pounds and feel healthier then I have in years. As usual, I didn’t think to check it out to see if it was a scam. I told a friend about it and she sent me this link. They do screen what you say on the coaching site. But I’m kinda thinking something is fishy because when I went back to download the dessert recipe book it said the site was not available. I posted to the coaching site to ask what was up but never received a reply on that. Have you found out who the woman is in the video?
The marketers who created this promotion already admitted that Carly Donovan doesn’t exist. But most of the other persons in their website promotion are also fake. You can read more about the deceptive nature of their ads at https://www.contrahealthscam.com/cinderella-solution-review-scam-fairy-tale/
I ordered it also – paid $27. I haven’t read it yet so I haven’t started. I do know that many moons ago Suzanne Sommers started promoting this same type of thing. That it mattered what you ate with what and what order you ate it in. I see at age 70 she is still very thin. I see also up above there, this blog discounting what they said about Cortisol. But I disagree with this blogger about the Cortisol. While it is not the “feel good” hormone, your body “steals” the “ingredients” it needs from ingredients for the other hormones to make Cortisol (if it is high), so if your Cortisol is high (stress can cause this), your feel good hormones like Seratonin and GABA are usually off because you can’t make enough. There are feedback systems on these hormones also that shut things on and off like glutamate in the brain. And these – (GABA and Seratonin) – are some of the calming and feel good. hormones. So in my “medical person” opinion the cinderella solution’s claim about Cortisol is probably true although it is by a secondary issue. I have NO idea if this is a scam, but my daughter spends $20 a month for Weight Watchers so for $27 to try this, I’ll risk a scam! LOL! Not only that – medical people don’t always like things a little out of the ordinary even though they work, so things get labeled as a scam and/or Naturopaths get labeled as quacks when sometimes something a little odd actually works. But that is beginning to change. I had a Dr. on staff in our local emergency room recommend colloidal silver for my daughter. Amazing!
I totally agree with a lot of what you said. Lots of the stuff that might actually help us lose weight, and keep it off, the FDA doesn’t want us to know. I believe people do sometimes experiment and find break throughs. Of course not all, but some do. I say $27 is worth a shot. I can easily spend that on a meal lol.
Did you really lose 16lbs from this plan?
Can you please hint on what helped you in the book..
Thank you for the honest post.
It’s a scam I wanted to try it but they took the $37 and haven’t seen nothing
Be sure that you downloaded the materials. They don’t send anything by mail — you are invited to download the ebooks when you tender your $37.
As a personal trainer that has showcased the mentioned diet I’ve actually heard of 40 success stories to myself personally, my YouTube with the same name that reviews Cinderella solution, and my Pinterest account. Diets aren’t”scams” because you may lack willpower and don’t want it enough. Tt’s a lifestyle adjustment, those with willpower reap the benefits of. No diet will shed 80 pounds in a week, but dedication and hard work will always prevail if you put in the work!
This commenter misses the big problem with the Cinderella Solution. No one disputes that just about any improvement in eating habits combined with increased exercise will result in weight-loss and healthfulness. The problem is that these marketers are charging consumers $37 (and more in upselling) for bogus medical theories. We’ve pointed out that most of the legitimate diet advice is available on the Internet for free. Apparently, Tony never bothered reading the article.
I was researching different items on Clickbank I came across several of these types of sites that use the same I had a disease (too fat, diabetes, etc), I researched the disease and found a 1000 year old secret that no one talks about and it saved my life and now I’m a supermodel model. They use a flashing video and scare tactics to get you to purchase a very basic product. I purchased the Cinderella solution to see what it was about and seriously I don’t understand how people can think that just switching how you eat proteins and fats together is really going to help. They also get you to set up a recurring coaching fee, and try to get you to buy 100’s of dollars worth of protein powder. Granted the protein powder is probably fine, but if Cindy isn’t a real person who is the person claiming to be her doing the coaching? I canceled my purchase after reading your article which supports my suspicions. Thank you.
So what kinda diet are you using that has helped you so much? I’m someone in desperate need of weight loss.
How did you cancel your purchase? I’m searching everywhere on HOW to cancel
You should be able to cancel within 60 days using Clickbank, assuming you purchased the program using this portal. The other option is contesting the purchase via your credit card issuer.
Thank you for sharing this. I wish I read this before watching the hour long infomercial but at least I didn’t buy anything. They are spamming Instagram with this infomercial right now.
I came across the commercial on Instagram as well. But I am SO thankful I paused after watching it and did a search! This page though, was quite an eye opener! Thank you.
I did sign up to give it a try
Please share your experience with everyone. Thanks!
I’m sorry to disappoint everyone, but It works for me. I lost 15 pounds in 2.5 months and I take 3 cheat meals every weekend. I usually loose 3-4 lbs total and I’m not hungry during the day.
I paid the minimum fee for the program, bought the Green Solutions and I like it. If you’ve ever tried products like Green + on the market, the taste is similar (from my memory). Since I find the taste too sweet (don’t have a very sweet tooth) I out less and I drink it hot.
And btw, I’m not a marketer. I’m a simple gal living in Montreal/Canada.
I ordered this product they took the money from my account but have never received an email or anything guess I will have to cancel it somehow!
Check your spam folder
I did sign up and its a fraud. I ordered the matcha green vanilla drink for $189.87 and have never received it and now fighting to get my money back! stay away from this company PLEASE!!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this article!!!
I did know this was a scam and did not pay out any money but I just hate the way these ads promise the world and play on our sadness and insecurities.
This was the only site I could find, actually exposing these ‘fads’ as scams.
It’s a sad world we live in.
Yes like me it’s the only site that I was able to find (real review) for this particular program, no wonder we are so confused. I was hoping that I finally found something good, but looks like not. Thanks for exposing them.
They failed to tell you that the refund rate is less than 4%. Seems to be working quite well for many people.
Regarding the refund rate statistic that you cite — please identify the source of the 4%. We have been unable to verify the fact that you assert in your reply to Tracy.
I was stupid and ordered the lean greens. It is vile and undrinkable. I tried to get a refund. So far, they are telling me if I pay money to ship it back to them they will refund for 2 bottles only and they have to be unopened when they advertised they would refund 100% even or empty bottles. Not sure if I should spend the postage as it is looking unlikely that I will get my money back. I’m thinking of just notifying the FBI of an internet scam
Can someone please tell me how to cancel my membership with them? I’ve been trying for a week and still getting charged
You should be able to contact Clickbank and get it done quickly. If not, contact your credit card issuer and contest the charge as unauthorized.
I contacted the charging bank @ 1-800-390-6035, just now. Have your order numbers ready. If you agreed to more than one of the TONS of offers. For me, it was the audio book, the subscription & the monthly membership. I provided all 3 order numbers & requested All charges from Cinderella solution be cancelled immediately. The rep. (Donna) spoke very Fast to attempt to keep some lesser charges so, Listen Closely & Stop them. I said, No, I want to cancel All charges, including Any future charges. I then asked her to wait as I reviewed the email confirmations she stated were being sent. I watched them come through immediately. She tried Very Hard to Rush me and end the call. Be persistent & repeat that you want to verify that All charges be Refunded Immediately with NO Future Charges. She confirmed All 3 were being refunded with No future charges. I documented Everything. If I receive Future charges or do Not receive the refunds, I will contact my own credit card company and give the info as well as contact the Better Business Bureau to report the Scam. I hope this is helpful to anyone else who fell for this-like I did. Good Luck. I will post an update if the issue isn’t completely resolved. Good luck, everyone. 🙂
For those of you looking for a refund you need to contact clickbank. Also, if a product gets too many refunds clickbank will actually pull that product from their website so the publisher (cinderella solutions) can no longer sell their product through clickbank. Clickbank are actually a legitmate company been around for a long time just keep pushing for your refund! Alos, if you used pay pal just cancel recurring payments in paypal so they keep taking money from you and raise a dispute with paypal – hope that helps.