It’s referred to as “Rectal Insufflation”, which is a fancy way of injecting ozone gas up your butt. Yup, that’s not a joke. And ozone generator machines are sold online to help you with these ersatz ozone enemas. There’s also “major autohemotherapy”, where your blood is removed into an IV bag, mixed with ozone gas and re-injected back into you. Is it a scam? Perhaps not. But it should be approached with optimal caution. One reason is because the science behind using ozone (O3) for medicinal purposes is not very well developed. And second, because ozone is a deadly gas — if it gets in your lungs, it’ll kill you. So you are playing with medicinal dynamite when you start infusing your body with ozone. The Environmental Protection Administration even warns against buying ozone generators that allegedly clean the air in your home. This is a very volatile and life-threatening gas that should be treated with respect and research.
What is Oxygen/Ozone Therapy?
The concept behind O2 and O3 (ozonides) therapy is that they boost the human immune system, increase delivery of oxygen to cells and improve heart and circulatory health. They are also alleged to stimulate antioxidant enzymes. The problem, of course, is that both gases are extremely unstable and ingestion must be done as soon as the gas is “manufacturered” in order to get the full benefit.
Sadly, while the claims are promising, the science is not. The Federal Drug Administration’s assessment of ozone therapy as of 2018 is stark: “a toxic gas with no known useful medical application”. There have been few credible studies and it isn’t clear as to what exactly the ozone does to the human body. Exposure to ozone is associated with a significant increase in the risk of death from a respiratory disease, and it has well-known toxic effects on people’s lungs when present with nitrogen dioxide in smog.
One published study was even starker in its warning: “An array of ill-effects are observed owing to the reactivity of O3 viz oxidation, peroxidation or generation of free radicals and giving rise to cascade of reactions…”
ozone-therapy -
pmc/articles/PMC5674660/ - https://medicalgasresearch. 1186/2045-9912-1-6
So is Ozonides Therapy Bogus and Unsafe?
- infected wounds
- circulatory disorders
- geriatric disorders
- macular degeneration
- viral diseases
- rheumatism and arthritis
- cancer
- chronic pain relief
- Dental procedures and gum health
However, because the scientific support for ozone therapy is so weak, there are a number of detractors who properly warn consumers to be cautious when considering it. British chemist Myles Power makes some very strong cases against many of the more outrageous therapeutic claims.

Ozone and Back Pain
Ozone and Lyme Disease
Our Bottom Line
It’s really cool that ozone therapy has been used for over 150 years. I’ve been pretty stressed and my body is in pain. Where can I learn more about ozone therapy?
The power of is one of the better sources. Ozone is legit & has a track record safer than aspirin. It’s used as a primary treatment for virtually everything these days in both Cuba & Equador & they’re beating the brakes off US medical on less than 1% of our budget. They cannot afford the insane levels of virtually total corruption we have in mainstream medical.
Ozone works better than anything else for Lyme disease IBS & literally hundreds of conditions. According to Dr Rowen it cures far more than everything else in mainstream medical combined. Every clinical ozone study I’ve seen proves this is correct & my own experience verified it as well.
If ur in pain chances are it’s an infection in ur body, unfortunately mainstream medicine usually denies they exist or any other legit root causes, bc they’re usually only there as a side effect of antibiotics or other medications…& big pharmaceutical companies would be bankrupt is held responsible for just 1% of the damage they’ve caused. This article unfortunately parrots so much of big pharmaceutical companies lies, like Lyme disease being a “made up illnesses” ummm it’s been proven to have infected almost 100% of the the US population is many areas & in a large amount of Europe as well. I had it over 25 years while mainstream medical told me I was in perfect health but fungal infections from their antibiotic use were exponentially worse, & they also denied existing. Long story short I had over 15 chronic infections in my body & 3 kinds of heavy metal poisoning for almost 30 years and was in horrible pain fatigue & had horrible arthritis migraines etc… all that went away when I treated all the things mainstream medical say doesn’t exist & did all the things they say don’t work aren’t proven are a scam etc. The only scam is mainstream medical, which I was told by doctors who taught a medical school I worked for, is the biggest scam on the planet controlled by criminal cartels like the CDC American Cancer Society & FDA, niave people actually believe these are the Gold standard. They only suppress cures while convincing the ignorant masses they searching for a cancer cure. Cancer was officially cured by 1903 & has been cured, clinically proven & patented 13 more times since. People have no idea how badly they’ve been misled by the mainstream narrative