A Dead Artist Comes Back to Life…..and will take a selfie with you.

If you never had a chance to see Salvador Dali in person, get ready for a surprise.   The larger-than-life surrealist artist died in 1989.   While his art has lived on, his unusual personna moved onto the great beyond.  But now, he’s back — thanks to advances in artificial intelligence technology.   And he’ll take your picture, if you ask.  Get ready to freak as you watch this video:

YouTube video

This isn’t a gaslight prank.  It’s an AI deepfake brought to you by the Dalí Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida.  It has created an exhibition on its premises that allows you to interact with a very sophisticated life-sized avatar.   The display is almost as surreal as his art.  When you press a doorbell next to the screen, Dalí appears and interacts with the viewers.  He’ll regale them with stories, read the newspaper, comment on the weather and, finally, he’ll offer to take a selfie with the viewers.  For real…..or surreal, as it were.

If you find yourself in St. Petersburg, the museum is worth a visit.   Dali’s art — love it or hate it — is unique and has aged well.   But Dali himself proves to be as eternal as his art.   This may be the first time that a reknown artist has been deepfaked, but you can be sure that it won’t be the last.



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