SCAM ALERT: Halki Diabetes Cure is Baloney

What would you do if you meet a new person and the first thing they tell you is clearly a lie? You’d likely runaway. Well, pretty much the first thing that Halki Diabetes Remedy tells you is a lie: its creator Eric Whitfield doesn’t exist. And that’s not the only lie to which you’ll be subjected. Our advice: runaway!

A Diabetes remedy or $37?  If this doesn’t sound familiar, check out the many other alleged diabetes cures, including Diabetes Destroyer,  Kachine Diabetes Solution, Vedda Blood Sugar Remedy and Diabetes Free.  Like the questionable Halki Diabetes Remedy, these scams all use bogus “cures”and over-the-top promises to reduce your bank account rather than your insulin levels.  And what they all share in common is that they are info scams.  The schemers know that about 50% of American adults are either diabetic or prediabetic. So there’s a big market out there of people looking for low-cost solutions to their medical ills.  And these scammers are poised to milk the bank accounts of those unsuspecting people.

So what is the alleged remedy?  Halki won’t tell you.    You’ll have to pay $37 to discover the “simple 60-second habit known only to the inhabitants of a small, barely populated Aegean island.”

We see this kind of scam all of the time.  It is an almost textbook scheme by which Internet marketers overcharge consumers for dubious information, much of which is readily available on the Net for free.  The typical price charged by these other scammers is $37….identical to what the Diabetes Miracle Cure marketers want to charge your credit card. We dug a bit into this particular Diabetes scheme.

The emails hawking the Halki cure send you to an even slicker web site asking for the “low price” of $37 for a guaranteed to cure diabetes.  Is it a scam?  Is it a rip-off? Does it work?  You’ll never find out from the websites, largely because of an increasingly pernicious Internet industry that offers fake product review sites.  You’ll also never be able to find out about the credentials of Eric Whitfield because he doesn’t exist.  So, should you spend the $37?  We recommend not, for the following six reasons:

1.  There’s a reason these sales pitches are slick — they spend a lot of marketing money to get it to you.  Who is paying for that? You are!

2. If you look for a review of the product, you are deluged with lots of fake review or scam sites that simply direct you to the main sales site or offer some pablum talking about how the product is highly rated or recommended. The marketers for this service paid to have these fake sites thwart any customer looking for real reviews.

3. The author of Halki Remedy doesn’t exist.   His name is alleged to be Eric Whitfield.  He’s described as “’just a regular guy like you and I, but he almost lost his wife to Type 2 Diabetes. This is when he sought out to do his own research and to find the real cause of diabetes and what to do about it”.   They’ve even created a fake university-sponsored website to make it look as though there’s some science behind this scam.  But the page is a fake, just like the Halki remedy. and other web sites have figured out that Whitfield’s picture is simply a stock photo you can buy at, Deposit Photos, etc.!

4.  The real author of this scheme is  one of the Agora scamsters who have littered the Internet with these kinds of health scams such as scams Pure Natural Healing, Hard on Demand and NutriO2. Check out the Clickbank affiliate ad below for the real behind-the-scene details about this particular scam:

That’s right.  This offering promises its “affiliates” $29.58 from the $37 that you send to Halki. They brag that they average “up to $292 per sale.” They are counting on up-sales to pad their profit margin and pay-off the affiliate marketers.

5.  To buy the Diabetes “modules,” you are required to use Clickbank. This Internet payment gateway has generated a number of complaints about difficulties in securing refunds and getting responses. It is unregulated and known to serve unscrupulous businesses.  It is akin to going into the wrong bar in a bad neighborhood;  they may serve the same booze but you’d not want to hang with the other patrons.

6. Perhaps most importantly, there is an abundance of free or low-cost diabetes prevention information on the Internet.


You don’t have to pay $37 for a bogus cure while so much credible and low-cost information is available online. For example, Amazon offers a number of ebooks that cost nothing and provide well-established, scientifically-validated diabetes treatment plans. The titles include: Diabetes, the Ultimate Guide, The Sugar Solution and Mayo Clinic Essential Diabetes Book — all of this information is free or less than a few bucks; Even easier, you can just click this link and find excellent information about diabetes prevention.  Need more information? Check out these more reliable sources (both are free):

And please consider the recently reported case of a Type-2 diabetes sufferer. She was 3 years old and morbidly obese. After 6 months of lifestyle changes monitored by doctors, she was “cured.” For many people, lifestyle changes really do make a difference. The doctors replaced her soda and fast food diet with balanced home cooked meals and water. And a recent British study suggests that modifying diet is a surefire way of controlling or eliminating Type-2 diabetes.

Based upon our findings, we strongly recommend against anyone forking over their hard-earned money for an overpriced, medically-questionable Internet offer. You can create your own “diabetes miracle cure” for free through weight loss, aerobic exercise along with some resistance training (weights and bands),eating low glycemic foods reducing stress in your life.This is the prescription outlined by hundreds of books online.

Our last word on Halki If you choose to hand-over your $37 to these unscrupulous marketing machines, then be prepared for what follows because once they find someone willing to part with their hard-earned money, you can be sure that they’ll be back with more dubious offers.  You’ll now be marked as a “cow” and they’ll try to milk you every way they can with additional offers and costly upgrades. You may want to think twice before you open this nefarious box.

57 thoughts on “SCAM ALERT: Halki Diabetes Cure is Baloney”

  1. I have to disagree completely with this. I paid the $37, got the recipes. 21 days worth of 2 daily recipes, none of which are harmful to you in anyway. Unless you are going to tell me that delicious super food high in nutritional value ar really bad for you. Broccoli? Come on. Nothing is bad about broccoli. and nothing is wrong with ginger tea either. These are the worst things for you, so don’t try to follow instructions, it just might actually help you get and keep your blood sugars low enough to stay where you want it to be. I do agree that you should not stop your medication without doctors orders, but if your getting medicine thy should be checking your a1c. If you follow instructions which the 21 day program tells you to follow then you get 8 nutrients in the exact amount you need. Now I would say avoid the supplements and just follow the recipes because yes those cost money. The food is stuff you buy anyway. The point is there are 8 major nutrients that help your body recover from the damage that it has been through. Following the recipes as instructed is not at all harmful and you have nothing to lose. The supplements are for lazy people and are nothing but a shortcut. If you follow the instructions, with the recipes you know what you are putting into your body and they are nutrients that come naturally from natural food. The key to broccoli is to steam it, microwaving it destroys the nutrients. They say this stuff, that it will harm you to scare you, maybe avoid the shortcut supplements and just use the recipes as instructed. You have nothing to lose. The only harm is if you keep feeding your body metformin and don’t start eating healthy foods. Keep taking it though until a doctor tells you otherwise. It would be harmful to quit meds without your doctor supervision,. But your doctor is not going to tell you this might just work, because they are in the business of selling that metformin.

  2. I agree with the people who said Eric Whitfield is not a real person. I saw this same guy on a different infomercial a few years ago. Same rhetoric, different cure from some obscure island, and I think his name was Michael.

  3. I watched the halki presentation and another for a weightloss supplement and the scripts were word for word in many places except the weightloss one came from a barely populated Malaysian island instead.

  4. Thank you for exposing this disgusting, untruthful bunch. Interesting that this guy Eric doesn’t exist!! I have recently had some of my clients ask me about this information as I have been in the medical, health and nutrition industry for the last 30 years. I have never come across a cure for diabetes other than diet and lifestyle changes. I tell my people that “If you are standing on the edge of a canyon, which would be the diagnosis of diabetes, DO NOT stand on one hand and say I will never fall into the canyon because you will likely be the next one over the edge. The truly sad thing is that you don’t know what “rock” or combination of “rocks” that you might hit on the way down. Some of those “rocks” may include Heart Failure, Kidney Disease, Blindness, Numbness, Burning and Tingling in your extremities just to name a few. So, thanks again for watching out for the vulnerable who want an answer so badly, that they can and do get scammed!

    • There is nothing wrong with the Halki diet. Forget the supplements, the diet itself if you follow instructions will reduce your a1c and you will feel better after 21 or get your money back. BUT never stop taking your medicine without a doctor telling you to. I do not see this as taking advantage of anyone because all they tell you is here is a way to consume the proper nutrients. It lists the nutrients and designs the recipes to give you the right nutrients and portions of them which come naturally from foods like broccoli, ginger tea…and healthy foods in the recipes. You make two dressings a day and they give 21 days of recipes. I bought the $37 book and found nothing dishonest about it.

  5. The amount of scamming products on both T.V. and computer online is becoming exponential and because of all the money involved from these scams is so large, nobody is even trying to stop them. Your law makers are paid to look the other way and no government agency will ride shotgun over these endless ripoffs. Even the ballooning robo calls by phone are now at epic levels. The only way to protect yourself is to GOOGLE EVERY PRODUCT FOR COMPLAINTS before buying anything. One clue to recognize TV scams is the $20 limit on any product, service or donation. Over that amount is open for a fraud investigation. Since the majority of products sold on TV are ripoffs, it should be enough of a wake up call to be extremely cautious before buying or especially before giving your credit card to any such ads.

  6. The amount of scamming products on both T.V. and computer online is becoming exponential and because of all the money involved from these scams is so large, nobody is even trying to stop them. Your law makers are paid to look the other way and no government agency will ride shotgun over these endless ripoffs. Even the ballooning robo calls by phone are now at epic levels. The only way to protect yourself is to GOOGLE EVERY PRODUCT FOR COMPLAINTS before buying anything. One clue to recognize TV scams is the $20 limit on any product, service or donation. Over that amount is open for a fraud investigation. Since the majority of products sold on TV are ripoffs, it should be enough of a wake up call to be extremely cautious before buying or especially before giving your credit card to any such ads.

  7. My sister had type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and was morbidly obese. She joined Slimming World (I don’t know if you have them in America), lost 84 lbs (38 kilos) and is now off all her medication. She’s 72

    I’m also type 2 diabetic and morbidly obese. Inspired by my sister I’ve joined Slimming World and so far lost 28 lbs (12 kilos). I am still needing the diabetic tablets, but my blood pressure is now normal, so the doctor has taken me off those tablets. I’m still at Slimming World and would like to lose another 28 lbs. I’m 69

  8. I am not a big pharma fan but doesn’t one need to quit using them as the dregs of civilization when they have done so much good for us all. Relief of incomprehensible pain and suffering is important The “to good to be true” marketers that live off their struggling to exist innocents just has to be beyond the bounds of civility and general goodness that civilization is built upon. Line them up for prosecution with rigor and any effort. Accepting it as just the norm is rolling over. Too much of this kind of stuff is destroying our values and the freedoms so many have sacrificed for. Absolutely sincerely, one observer

  9. Thank you for this valuable article. These monsters are playing to the hopes and terrors of frightened people. I kept thinking (during the incredibly long-winded presentation) that if this is for real, the AMA should be all over it. And if it is false, the AMA should be all over it even more. I’m not sure how long the infomercial was, at least a half-hour if not more, and I remember feeling resentful as he rambled on and on. I kept thinking, “So cut to the chase, already!” I was pretty sure that it was bogus, because NOTHING works 100% of the time, as this product claimed to do. It’s too bad that these people cannot be prosecuted for not only serious fraud, but for peddling nothing but hot air to desperate people.

  10. Thank you for the information. Most people realize that this type of online offer is a scam, but people always have hope that they will find that one miracle nugget of information! I’ve traveled all over the world and even lived for a time in the Middle East and stayed for a time in Greece and Cyprus. I can definitely say that people tend to eat much simpler and healthier than in the USA. The foods are generally fresh and locally produced. Also, their lifestyle tends to be a bit slower-paced than in the West though they still believe in hard work!

    The one thing I do know is that Western Medicine is a failure when it comes to Type 2 Diabetes. As long as the Pharmaceutical companies are in control of the Medical Industry and paying for the Medical Education in our schools, the “people” are at the losing end of the situation!

  11. I was skeptical about this presentation. I did not trust this from the start. The presentation was too long and I did not want to know about this man’s life. He did not get to the point instead feeding us with this boring presentation. I’m glad I came across your page. Thank you very much

  12. I was just about to buy this crappy scam, then got suspicipus. So I luckily stumbled on this page. Thanks for your great job dear site owners. Good instinct and acumen will probably save one from nutritional assininties anyway; there is a sufficient supply of common sense / food wisdom available through the internet for free as well, I would say…

    • Unfortunately, most of these Internet scams are located offshore — outside of the U.S. legal system. That’s why they are immune from lawsuits.

    • Because it is not a scam. At least the Halki diet is not. There is nothing fraudulent about it. It is simply a recipe book that enables you to eat healthy foods and get the most nutrients. along with important instructions to ensure the balance that you need. If you try it for 21 days and your a1c has not improved, get your money back. There is nothing wrong with eating healthy foods for 21 days and finding out for yourself. Why would you assume its a scam, when you know the medical professionals want you to have diabetes and buy there metformin. The scam is the drug companies. Don’t stop your medicine without a doctor but do try the Halki diet you won’t lose anymore than the initial purchase of the book and that can be refunded if you try the 21 days and don’t feel better and see lower blood sugar levels. I am talking about the diet, not the supplements which are for lazy people that don’t want to make simple recipes everyday. Don’t buy the supplements those are separate. Just try the recipes. Ginger Tea and broccoli everyday is in addition to the dressings.

  13. Of course, i didn’t mean to be thoughtless.Please keep these up as long as possible…sorta kick the bees nest and get people moving.Thanks.

  14. Well, this is The United States of America and seriously doubt young kids come to this site. Truth is these types of crap scams are far too many. Thank you

  15. I found the same book on Amazon for only $18.02 used and around $19 new. Cheap as a kindle for $5.99. Thought tut he price to high and also did research on many websites, that is how I found this.

  16. I went thru this order and thought id try it, only thing i never recieved it no way to contack these scammers a email that goes to click bank, i told them they had best refund my money before i reported then as scammers, the girl at this click bank woukd not give me any info on how to get in touch with these people, prob dont exist at all i demanded a refund con artists for sure

    • Based upon your comment, we just want to be clear that the books they are selling are electronic. You download them. They don’t send you anything. We hope that this provides some clarity about your transaction.

  17. The promotors of Halki should be charged with preventing diabetics from obtaining the right medical treatment – John Bradley Esq.

  18. I bought into it. I can afford the investment. Nothing else is working so I’m giving it a try. I have an understanding of foods that are essential but are lacking in our diet.
    As far as Eric existing, he did mention the local union number that he was a member of.
    Did anyone who claimed he doesn’t exist try calling the union hall to find out if he is a member. Also the union hall will have verification of Eric working in Greece.
    How do we k ow that the people who say Eric is a scam isn’t just someone from the big pharmaceutical companies.
    I would appreciate a thorough investigation which I don’t see evidence of before claims are made that Eric doesn’t exist.
    As far as the product working, I will let you know.

    • I suggest you stop telling people What to do, YOU get proof and then, maybe, you can call someone else a liar.
      Rhese people are here to TRY and help you…

    • For you sir… may God truly bless you. 👍 my hope is you will be doing better very soon.👍 🕊 🇺🇸 👍
      👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 , praying for you, sir

    • I thought the same thing. Big pharmaceutical companies would have a budget to do just that.

      When asked if they tried, he responded “didn’t need to”.

      So then what interests would it be to you if there is no risk involved to your person.

      Sounds like counter propaganda tactics to me.

  19. After I clicked ok for the $37.00 to see The Haliki Diabetes Remedy I thought..whoops! I think I made a mistake…now, I am trying to cancel, but can’t find a phone number or address! Can someone help out a stooge???!

    • You probably ordered it using Clickbank. You should have an email from Clickbank confirming the transaction. You can use that link to cancel the purchase, pursuant to their 60-day guarantee. However, be aware that Clickbank may not make it easy for you to do this.

    • The bank” your bank has the power. They can dispute a transaction, stop a transaction and reverse a transaction. They can simply look for the amount and approximate time and date.
      From that the bank often finds who, where and when.
      Believe me. When a bank wants to keep a customer and to do so means money returning or coming into their bank, you should know they will help you.
      Follow through… 👍🇺🇸👍

    • Simple answer: copyright law. We wouldn’t allow someone to post the “regimen” on our site. It would invite a needless lawsuit because we already know that there’s no scientific support for this quackery.

  20. thank you SOOOO much for ALL your help and advise. I am very elderly and very ill with several serious conditions. and my caregiver and her family have diabetes and overweight problems. this is why this add caught my eye. I know there are scammers out there but I don’t know how to check all those things that were suggested. but I always go to HIGHYA and find what I need. I don’t do a lot on the computer. Just a few things. but I don’t have a lot of money and it is such a blessing to have folks like you to help folks like me. thank you all soo much.

  21. NotesFromTheDog, I just did as kk from KC advised about going on to amazon for the recipes. They will so partial recipes if you make sure that you’re logged into your prime account. However they do show the full recipes for the last couple of days.

  22. What if anyone would just put these “solutions/remedies” online for FREE? Everyone would have free access and can try them out. It doesn’t state anwhere that the remedies are pattented and since all ingredients are legal and can be found in any supermarket they can’t be….

    • I have Amazon Prime and checked out the recipes. Basically suggests a Mediterranean type Diet . The first recipe is a spread and quite good. Easy fast recipes that most likely don’t cure diabetes but are healthy and tasty. If you get the paperback on Amazon its 17.99 and while maybe not a cure, good recipes.

      • Ever tried to get similar recipes from your neighbours?
        Not only are these for free, but what you also get (and can mostly also keep) is priceless, and most importantly the opposite of all scam and cheapness…😉

    • The photos he used of his wife are not his wife. I found these exact same photos from a gal who had legitimately lost weight who lives in Indiana on another website. Just shaking my head.

  23. Hello,
    I agree, this product and its sales pitch story and all affiliated, very questionable, reviews sites claiming it is all legit, are all heinous scams.
    However, you may need to re-work the bit about the ‘Stock Photo’ of Eric Whitfield, because while I believe the person proposing to be Eric Whitfield is nothing but a paid actor, photos of him are not stock footage, simply because there is an entire (bogus) documentary video of him as the host, presenting everything that is in the written document, and I am pretty certain none of it is stock footage.

    Your site does very important work and is vital for people looking for the truth behind these types of inconsiderate scams, so apart from maybe doing another quick proof edit check to pick up the few typos, it is paramount for you as the exposer of scams, fraudulent and illegitimate schemes and operations, that your reports are word perfect and absolutely fully accurate in the face of extensive research.

    For me, despite the few errors, I think your scam alert report should be highly commended. Exposing these types of low life malevolent individuals and groups is vital in the fight to prevent innocent people from being scammed out of their hard earned money on false hope and promises, especially people who are already suffering enough with the ailments and disabilities they already have and seeking genuine help.


  24. I will never fall for these scams. I actually listened to a podcast called Mastering Blood sugar yesterday and the guest speaker was Dr. Ron Rosendale who spoke of what we need to eat starting immediately. Dr. Rosendale was the founder of the Colorado Center for Metabolic Medicine in Colorado and Asheville, NC. His diet is called the Rosendale Diet which is found online, the podcast is free. His book is about $7 and he is an expert. I highly recommend anyone reading this, listening to the podcast, and then following his rules for eating. I am changing my diet after listening to him and following his recommendations.

  25. Plus, you can go to and look up the book Halki Diabetes Remedy and click on the Free Look link over the book and it will actually take you to the pages where the recipes are all spelled out. For Free!! Plus, the actual book is only $17.99. So…even if this is a scam offer, you can print or write out the recipes and try them out on your own for free.

      • We didn’t need to. We see these infoscams so often that they are easy for us to spot. Why give the scammers money when we know what they are?

    • I just went to Amazon and tried what you suggested. It DOES NOT show the recipe portion of the book. It shows front cover or table of contents or first pages or back cover, etc.

      • In Amazon I clicked on “look inside.” I was able to go through the first 5 pages.
        At the bottom of page 5 you are asked to sign in to Amazon to look at further pages.

    • So you had access to the recipes and posted this comment in early June. Did you try the recipes? Did they work? One of the alerting things in this presentations for me was that they said kohlrabi was a rare and little known vegetables, It’s common at the farmers market, easy to grow and taste like broccoli hearts. They refer to a dressing, I have trouble envisioning kohlrabi as a semi liquid.

  26. Thank you for opening my eyes to the truth. I was feeling something just wasnt adding up and you have to keep listening to the dang video and he wouldnt tell you the cure. I am upset that I listened to it.

    • Well, Sharla… that is a common business practice, I can tell you out of my experience with those sales pitches. Only at the end of the videos do they usually come across with the link to order (or at the end of an (intentionally) annoyingly lengthy transcript). Stop letting them fool you!

    • I look for the ‘if you’d rather read the article’ and can zip
      through it really fast. I have unfotunately listened to some of
      this clap trap. My thoughts were get to the price and stop wasting my time.

      This was a great, actual review. Thanks for an honest review.

  27. After listening to “Halki diabetes remedy” I Googled for “Halki diabetes remedy” and found you. I want to thank you very much for your warnings and advise. I am 71 years old, my weight is100 kg, length is 176 cm, I do sit too much and move only just enough. $ 37,– to easily buy off lack of discipline with impunity, sounds to good to be true. Thank you again for poking up a little common sence in me. Will read your article again and follow the advices (click the links) you gave. Kind regards,


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