If you remember just one thing, please let it be that the so-called “Memory Healer Program” — just like so many of the schemes targeted to people who are concerned about memory-loss caused by dementia or Alzheimers —are $40 rip-offs. The Memory Healer Program is the name of given to a slick e-mail based advertisement floating around the Net supposedly authored by Alexander Lynch and Dr. Ronald Goldman. The emails send you to an even slicker web site asking for the “low price” of $39.95 for what appears to be a booklet about TC-2153 that is “guaranteed” to fight off debilitating brain diseases. This particular offering is a textbook version of the numerous other $39 infoscams that have infected the Web over the last three years.
This scam has now morphed into “Boundless Brain” that is being sold at Software Projects Inc, a Malta-based haven for scam artists who are duping consumers into paying $39-$49 for worthless or easily-found free information. Unfortunately, most of the current science shows little correlation between “brain games” and dementia/Alzheimers symptoms. Some 50 studies have examined the benefits of brain training but only a few have shown any real benefit. A Commissioner at the Federal Trade Commission weighed in on these brain games and took the industry to task, stating that the vagueness of the scientific evidence and the fears everyone has of growing old and losing mental acuity can provide easy pickings for scammers.
If this claim looks familiar, it probably is — it is almost identical to the questionable other brain health offerings also hawked on the Internet — and it was probably conjured up by the same marketers . They almost all charge the mysterious $39.95. Here’s how it works: you are treated to a videomercial that touts the “proven way to perfect improve your brain”. Is it a scam? Is it a rip-off? Does it work? You’ll never find out, largely because of an increasingly pernicious Internet industry that uses fake product review sites to hide customer reactions. You’ll also never be able to find out about the credentials of the authors — none apparently exist on the Internet, nor are they provided at his own alleged web site. So, should you spend the $37? We recommend not, for the following reasons:
1. There’s a reason this sales pitch is slick — they spend a lot of marketing money to get it to you. Who is paying for that? You are. And, like many scammers, they were using Clickbank to sell their ebook so don’t assume you’ll get a refund. “Rock solid guarantee”…..don’t bet on it. Now, they are using Software Projects Inc., based in Malta, to peddle their disreputable pamphlets. We’ve received a few reports that this scam gateway has been unresponsive to people seeking refunds.
2. If you look for a review of the product, you are deluged with lots of fake review or “scam” sites that simply direct you to the main sales site or offer some pablum talking about how the product is highly rated or recommended. (such as abnewswire.com, memoryhealerpro.com, scamreviewsplace.com and ncsafeharbor.org) The marketers for this service paid to have these fake sites thwart any customer looking for real reviews. It is also a tactic to obscure any customers who have posted complaints or alerts about fraudulent claims.
3. The authors are unknown. If the website fails to feature the credentials of the author and/or if a Google search turns up nothing about this person, you can bet this is a marketer driven product. We were unable to find a “Dr. Ronald Goldman” or “Alexander Lynch” who had any credentials concerning memory loss or any brain-related diseases.
4. Perhaps most importantly, there is an abundance of free or low-cost Alzheimer’s and dementia information on the Internet. Amazon offers a number of ebooks that cost nothing and provide the kinds of well-established brain exercises that can help. And very reputable medical institutions such as Harvard and the Mayo Clinic offer free and documented information. Harvard, in particular, warns that excess weight,poor eating habits and lack of exercise are the major factors linked to brain disease. The Mayo Clinic suggests use of brain exercises, such as those offered by a number of legitimate Internet companies who offer FREE interactive brain exercises: Neuronation, Mind Games, Brain Matrix, as well as low-cost offerings by BrainHQ and Rosetta Stone.
More importantly,recent science suggests that some Alzheimers’ symptoms can be attenuated and, perhaps, reversed. But the key steps needed are eliminating all simple carbohydrates from your diet, increasing consumption of fruit, vegetables and non-farmed fish, incorporation of yoga and meditation and daily supplements including vitamin D3, fish oil, coenzyme Q10, melatonin and for women to resume hormone therapy, if they had ended it. While the supplement part of this recommendation is somewhat controversial, the lifestyle changes are not; they promote healthfulness, which is an essential element in keeping the brain healthy. There is a plethora of free and peer-reviewed analysis, like this, on the web and new studies that are revealing more light into the causes and treatment of Alzheimers.
5. These kinds of offerings generally like to tout that their information is controversial and contains information that Big Pharma, Big Medicine, Big Brother or some other such authority is trying to keep from you. Sure enough, the Memory Healer hawkers call their video a “breakthrough” that the “pharmaceutical industry” and “the government” don’t want you to know about. And they use all of the marketer-driven catch words: “revolutionary”, “secret”, “incredible” and “amazing”. It’s a textbook snake oil pitch! A sloppy one at that….rife with exaggerated claims.
6. The testimonials offered in the video do not offer the full names or backgrounds of the individuals who are touting the product in very terse, well-crafted and well-lighted videos.
You don’t have to spend $39.95 to get information about how to improve your memory. We recommend that you check out these low-cost or free books or web-based sources before forking over $39.95 to the faux doctor. And beware ANY Net-based sales pitch that has uncredentialed, slick video presentations with no independent reviews. It may not be a scam, but it is probably a rip-off because it is overpriced for what it is offering. In this case, there’s lots of good vision exercises in the marketplace offered at a fraction of the cost of the so-called “Memory Healer Program”. In fact, this one is free and is quite credible. Save your hard-earned money.
One additional warning: once you give them your money, you’ll be tagged as “meat”. Once they know that you’ll fall for this pitch, the same marketers will be coming back to you over and over and over for other such pitches. So understand that if you pay these marketers anything….let alone $39…..they’ll continue to hound you with more slick schemes designed to prey on your fears and concerns. Our advice: don’t open your door or wallet to them.
The good news is that scientists know that the brain remains malleable, even in old age. That is, stimulating activities like learning a new skill or taking classes can strengthen neural connections and produce other positive changes in the brain. If you want to exercise your brain, study Spanish, take up Ikebana flower arranging, or learn a new game like chess or bridge. You may strengthen those neural connections in your brain, and you’ll almost certainly have fun. If you feel that you need to use online brain games, there are a number of free resources that include:
- ThirdAge Games. Brain fitness is the object of these games featured on this site.
- BrainCurls. Find jigsaw puzzles, memory games, and games that sharpen your observation skills here.
- Sharp Brains Brain Teasers and Games. These 50 brain teasers and games are meant for keeping your brain fit and young.
- Grandparent Games. Meant to keep grandparents and their grandchildren connected through shared online games, you can help keep you brain young while connecting with family.
- Braingle. This popular site offers fun brain activities that include brain teasers, riddles, trivia, and brain exercises.
- Fit Brains. If you want brain games designed by scientists specifically for promoting brain health, then give these a try.
- Games ~ Grandma Faith’s Website. These family-friendly games are meant for both young and old and offer plenty of ways to keep your brain working.
- Brain Bashers. The video games here are meant to sharpen your mental acuity while providing entertainment.
- Strategy Games. Keep your brain young with these seven strategy games.
- AARP.org Games. Chess, puzzles, card games, and multiplayer games are offered here to help aging brains stay sharp.
- Games for the Brain. Games like Mastermind, chess, and Sudoku presented here offer you a great way to challenge your brain.
- HAPPYneuron. Try the fun games and activities here to keep your brain young.
- BrainTraining 101. Find an assortment of different types of challenging brain games here.
- Freedom Years Games. Designed especially for seniors, these games include jigsaw puzzles, a memory game, and Sudoku.
But our strong recommendation is keep sharp by keeping active, keeping social and keeping your imagination alive and well. And save that $10-12 per month for some fun, lively experiences with friends and family.
I found this information which might be helpful, here’s the link:
I used the search terms ” ketone stimulating foods” & ” ketone stimulating foods Alzheimer’s ” & found free information about ketone eating plans, food lists…Isn’t the Atkins diet a ketone diet? I’m also going to go to the library & do some research there.
I hardly ever comment on sites, but here goes. I looked at the Memory Protocol site and decided it was a scam. But a recent breakthrough at UCLA and Buck Institute for Research on Aging. Dr. Dale Bredesen, MD has had some very good results in reversing symptoms of Alzheimer’s. 9 out of 10 reversed the symptoms. I can’t go into the program here but if you plugged Dr. Bredesen UCLA and Buck institute into google you should come up w/some info. I hope this helps someone.
I just listen to an hour presentation by The Memory Repair Protocol that says he can cure dementia in 21 days for only $37 days. My husband just passed away with Alzheimer’s and Lewy Body Dementia and it makes me so angry that these people are praying on the most vulnerable, those with, and those caring for loved ones with dementia. It is just disgusting.
I was the Assistant Director for an Adult Day Health program that catered to the elderly, and those with mental/physical challenges. I have worked with dementia patients for most of my 46 years (Mom was an Activities Director at a Nursing Home so I started at 3 months old!) My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease, and being heartbroken, (and wanting to try everything) I ordered this program. I followed the program, and using it’s information was able to formulate a special customized shake for Mom. (Honestly tasted like double chocolate shake). Then within 3-4 weeks, giving her one shake a day, I watched the disease start to reverse itself. She had much brighter days, was less confused and then was able to start reading again.. I was watching my mother literally come back from the dementia.. I credit Memory Healing with giving me my mother back.. and for those who had reviews in which they basically bought it and then tried to return it, you gave it NO chance to even work. Any time I had a question, they were right there to assist, and because of them, I got my Mom back. I highly recommend this product!
Kim – while we appreciate that you shared your experience of using the Memory Healing shake, we are having difficulty validating your comment. We found no one by your name having worked as an Assistant Director at an adult day care facility and could not find anyone with your email address. It’d help people reading this post if you’d provide greater specificity about the adult center that you worked and your role at that center so that we can verify your assertions. We expect that other professionals at the center can verify the experience about which you commented. Thanks so much.
Blackstone Valley Regional Adult Day Health and Activity Center aka Blackstone Valley Multi-Human Services, Inc. in Bellingham, MA in operation from 1/16/80 – 12/31/00
HER NAME IS LISA Kim Schreffler look her up on facebook……she is a real estate agent……
Kim I have usedt this program for my husband and have seen results. could you give me the ingredients in the shake. I would like to try it. Thank you
Any long presentation like this can be circumvented by trying to back out or close the website during the first few minutes of the talk. They don’t want you to go away, so a box will appear asking you if you want a text version. Click yes and the text will appear. Then, you can scroll quickly down through it to the price and supposed money back guarantee at the end. Needless to say, most of these long drawn-out things are scams.
Coconut oil can be helpful for Alzheimer’s disease. See Dr. Newport’s research paper on the use of coconut oil on her husband’s Alzheimer’s disease:
What If There Was a Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease… and No One Knew?
Coconut oil is great stuff — we encourage its use for lots of things but we remain skeptical about its usage for “curing” Alzheimers. There is no known cure and likely won’t be for the foreseeable future.
You would have thought that if this program had been bought by nearly 43,000 Americans, as stated in the presentation, that the internet would be awash with success stories if this product did really reverse memory lose.
This is the second time I sat at my computer listening to and reading the words and I thought the “recording” would never stop!!!! Oh my god….it went on and on and on….and I just wanted to pull my hair out!! I wasted at least an hour of my time waiting to get to the end of their blabbing!! They also have no phone number to call them with any questions …or problems. No contact information….no address ….just guided to click on the proper link.. Thank God that I saw this comment section and discovered that it actually IS a Scam!!!!! I saved myself a lot of money. I wish someone would report this scam to the better business bureau….and I am waiting to see this taken off the internet. I am so glad that I didn’t fall for this scam!!! Boy or boy!!! How do they live with their conscience!!
I am glad i found this in the Web. This information kept $39.95 in my pocket. These people because of their ‘Presentation’ will make MILLIONS from ‘Dupes’ like me. They should be taken out at Day-break and by a firing squad of their peers ,and as a Christian man would volunteer to be one.,,,My Mother died with Dementia,,,very heart breaking,to say the least,,,again thanks for the post
It seems that every one of these clickbank book scams start with someone doing intensive research for weeks, months, and in one presentation, years, before they stumble upon some secret that has been hidden, either by “Big Pharma,” or the government, the power companies, or some other group that does not want ordinary people to thrive and survive. The fact that they all follow this pattern should make anyone suspicious. Also, if you listen to the whole spiel and then attempt to leave, there’s a “Wait,” and an offer at a lowered price. The internet has opened up a flood of information, and a flood of scams as well.
after listening to this 30 min talk and deciding how can this be true i found this site and low and behold it was yet another very cold and cruel scam.
how anyone can do this to people who are so vulnerable that they are taken in beggars belief.
Hope they are caught and severely punished .
If some of the people who posted on this site actually bought the program and found it useful, why don’t they just post the recipes or whatever is the solution. If it is just healthy eating and not harmful, tell us all what we should be doing (instead of purchasing the program of course).
Readers are welcome to comment and share their observations. However, we urge readers not to actually print entire blocks of data from these programs in the comments. They are unwieldy and, in some cases, might violate copyright laws. We prefer posting summaries than actual excerpts. Thanks!
I must say that Mr. Lynch is an excellent public speaker for someone who was shot in the face at close range with a 12 gauge shot gun.
Glad I googled this scam which led me to your website. Please remember folks use good and common sense……..
“if its too good to be true than it probably isn’t.”
The condition is usually experienced by victims of degenerative cognition illnesses,
such as the two main ones: Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Curious that those who actually bought the book would not have posted, at least, the 4 food groups and schedule. I would have in a heartbeat just to circumnavigate the $39.95 and to give the folks the opportunity to experiment on their own. Most of these books/programs are very wordy and the gist of their message can be outlined on a single sheet of paper.
We don’t encourage people to post the contents of these scams (and we don’t either) because of copyright issues. We can offer summaries and evaluations, but to post any specific details of the plan would expose this website to a lawsuit that, no doubt, the marketers would love to bring. So we will remove comments from people who cross that line and violate a copyright. We can offer opinions and thoughtful alternatives, but this site won’t post specific details of the scams.
I bought a book about prepping for disaster in America from clickbank and NEVER received it. ,I can’t remember the name of the book it’s been 2 months. I am going to the bank and find out with paperwork when they took money so I can do something about this and get money back.
I was on b6 for a long time it never helped my carpal tunnel and I had the surgeries and feel such relief. I hope it does work for some but don’t let it go on to long if it’s not helping you can have permanent nerve damage.. Even after surgery if it’s really bad. I put my surgery off for 17 years and it got so bad that I got server carpal tunnel in the other hand also by compensating for the bad hand. Just weigh it out see what works for you individually… One treatment doesn’t work for everyone all the time.
My sister sent me the link to Memory Healer Program. I sat through the whole shabang, and had seen others of the sort. They drag you through this looooong story before they even mention the product. I had ordered a product from a marketing of this sort before, and was not very pleased. Nor had a good time trying to get my money back. I am very hesitant on telling my sister “Yes! This is the cure all for dad!” I have been doing research on the Memory Healer Program, and am still hesitant on giving her the go ahead. I think one thing that makes me hesitant is the $69.99. They don’t have much money to blow on some scam, and I am limited as well. Anyone have other sites I can check to get an in-depth view on this product? Thank you.
Sara, our article offers some free alternatives to this program. We have other articles that talk about how “memory restoration” online offerings are largely problematic. (check out this article, for example). We think there’s enough out there that can help your situation without forking out a lot of money to Net scammers.
About the shot gun. The very least that could have happened would be deaf and loss of balance for life. The story doesn’t add up. Telltale sign of a scam!
We were unable to validate a Vitamin K study. However, there has been some work done by the VA in regards to Vitamin E slowing the progression of Alzheimers. But we’ll note that there is no authoritative study showing that ingestion of any vitamin will cure dementia.
Has anybody called the happy customer in Minnesota at 612-227-6965 to chat with them
about th e continuing progress etc.
I was just wondering that too if any one called her…
As a 69 year old who is still working and needs to be alert and in full control of my faculties, I have been troubled by some minor forgetfulness. Consequently, I went on the internet and look for a solution. Well…like many other people I was open to the pitch and purchased the Memory Healer Program. Ironically, despite the realization that this product is not backed by scientific research and that the marketers have concocted an elaborate fiction to make money, I figure that the $39 was a pretty good investment for several reasons:
1. I learned something about marketing on the internet. Thirty-nine dollars in the great scheme of things is not a great loss and the lesson was worth the price.
2. The daily salad is not a harmful addition to the diet. It appears to be quite healthy. This may be one of those rare cases where the schemers have, perhaps through happenstance rather than intent, recommended a treatment which contributes to good health and consequently may support memory retention.
3. I have spent many years working in different cultures. One of the basic lessons I have learned from this experience is that Western culture and Western medicine do not have a monopoly on reality. There are answers to questions, solutions to problems, and treatments for disease which are valid in other cultures but are neither recognized, understood, nor accepted by Western culture. Having observed this and on several occasions experienced this directly, I am open to alternative approaches to supplementing standard Western medical practices.
So…I thank this web site for alerting me. But this still has been a positive experience for me. The Memory Healer Program, while obviously is a money scam, has had the positive effect of refocusing my attention on the importance of proper eating and diet. And who knows…I may try several of those salads.
Of course it’s a scam. Slickly promoted and obviously a professional voice. One big red banner to tell you it’s a scam – The study he ‘found’ about the miracle chemical was done at Yale University. Don’t you think that if some breakthrough finding was found out in a major US university, that would be published far and wide? Published research is what researchers live on. it’s how they get grant money. Would it stay ‘hidden’ so somebody not even in the medical research field could ‘discover’ and profit from? The folks behind this product should be boiled in oil.
Notice in the pitch Alexander mentions being almost “hit by the bullet” that came out of the shotgun.
well…guess what?
SHOTGUNS HAVE PELLETS (MANY OF THEM) AND not a bullet! That was my red flag #1
With shotguns usually nobody they are pointed at survives the hundreds of pellets that are sooo destructive.
I thought the same thing. They do not sound competent or honest.
to address Gary’s point: while shotguns do generally use cartridges that have several pellets or ‘shot’ in them, you can use shotgun slugs that fire one big piece of lead. Additionally its a lot less damage with bird shot it you were to get hit and many people have survived an accident with a shotgun, just ask Dick Cheney’s hunting buddy.
Although this did look like a scam to me, I listened carefully to the presentation and ordered the book for my mother who has slight dementia and short term memory problems. We went and saw her neurologist after she had been on the diet for four days. He asked her the same first question that he always does: what’s the date of today. For the first time she answered with the day of the week, the date, the month and the year; she had been seeing him every three months for three years. Of course, I had prompted her in the car, but I had prompted her every time we went to visit her neurologist with no results. The upshot was that he set the next appointment with her in six months’ time and not the usual three months.
We had to interrupt the diet because we went on vacation; her relapse was just about immediate. I got her back on the diet for ten days and she seems to be better. She is in a better mood, she is more compliant when I ask her to do simple tasks such as telling me the date and making sure she had taken her medication. She even discusses the diet with her caregiver, which means that she remembers she is on this memory diet.
I put her on the diet because it is obvious that it cannot hurt her. I explained it all to her and she accepts it. There does seem to be improvement. This diet may just be a placebo, but you know what? If a placebo makes a difference I think you should keep using it.
It is a shame that the authors have not stepped forward to respond to the accusations leveled against them.
I had an experience a few years ago that causes me to be more “open” to natural remedies. I was going through sleepless nights because of pain and numbness in my hands – it usually hit after I fell asleep, although there were times during the day too, especially when typing at work. My doctor sent me to a specialist who diagnosed me with severe carpal tunnel syndrome and recommended immediate surgery. I went home and read up on the surgery and didn’t like what I was reading – it offered almost immediate relief, however many people needed the surgery repeated within 10 years and after that just live with the pain because too much scar tissue to keep operating. Only one website (don’t remember which) briefly mentioned that many people’s symptoms completely go away if they take vitamin B6. Such a simple thing, so I tried it. Within a month my symptoms were gone and they have NEVER COME BACK! I take one B6 vitamin every day and plan to continue till the day I die. So now, back to this subject of a special diet and Alzheimer’s. Yes, it sounds like an absolute scam. But why is nobody out there giving their names and saying it just doesn’t work?
I can totally substantiate your claim that B6 averts carpal tunnel syndrome surgery. I don’t know how/why–I just know that it works. I had read about it “somewhere” so, when my RN sister complained of a CTS diagnosis, and upcoming surgery plans, I told her what I had read. What did she have to lose. B6 is very inexpensive.
She decided to try it and to this day, over 20 years later, she has not had further CTS problems and NEVER had the surgery.
(She had similar results when she was diagnosed with MS years later and decided to NOT use the medications her physician recommended. Instead she changed her diet and uses essential oils and remains symptom free. She was diagnosed in June 2002. She still works full-time as a critical care nurse while caring for our parents who are almost 90 (on 8/12 my mom will be 90) and 97 (dad will be 98 on 1/28/2017.)
I am looking for Alzheimer info bc dad was diagnosed with Alzheimers in May.
May you be so Blessed!! When I tried to disconnect from them.. before the sale, out jumps an offer of $27.95 “so you don’t miss out” or some such. I was told long ago: “When in doubt, leave it out”. That sage advice has only this past week saved me much but for the past 60+ years as well (most of the time!). I am 80 and still have hope there might be a fraction of the race human that operates in the realm of decency. I just hate it that these dishonest folks advertise their “wares” on upright websites. I am very grateful for Google and you.
I pretty much guessed, from past experience, that this was a fraud. After one bad experience I never buy anything online offered this way without checking out: (product) + fraud, scam, rip off, complaint – on Google. How I got to this site. Even as a hypnotist who understands persuasion techniques,(for the client’s own good), these advertorials are quite compelling in their pulling of emotional strings. Since checking I have not found one genuine offer, or bought anything. hypnohotshot
I would like to know if anyone had ever bought it and tried it. If so, what happened?
Yes I bought the book Memory Healer Program, I have implemented it with an Alzheimer client I see10 times a week. She hardly spoke and did not walk with muscles spasmed…..after two weeks and only a 1/3 of the menu per day as the program advised her weekend care giver wrote in the log that the client had stopped screaming every time you move her and had held a conversation, later they unbeknownst to my feeding the diet to her they reported she started responding by moving forward while dressing her instead of pressing backwards. This was only the beginning…..I started with a plate of food resembling a Thanksgiving Dinner, than an all in one vegetable salad and next an egg/veggie quiche. I started making a fruit and veggie juice which remarkably brought new changes every day…..my client is waking up like having been in a coma. She responds with appropriate verbal answers, she is walking, guiding her walker and from the Nurses, family, shower lady and respite help for her husband we are all amazed….she says she is shocked when she looks in the mirror as she does not recognize the old lady…..I tell her she is getting younger, a beautiful woman has slowly unfolded before my eyes…I am ecstatic about this formula of food combing and it’s anti inflammatory properties. Ron’s investment in this chemist and sharing this formula of food combing has brought a mother and wife back to a family. I am so proven this works I am hoping to teach others in the industry. 612-227-6965
Judy what profession are you in that you have clients you are treating with this program? Just wondering about your background and how she is responding now? Do you have any connection to the people who sell this info? My Mother died with Alzheimer’s, none of her four children have it as of now (all 60 or older) but curious. Thank you.
Does anyone know if Judy responded about her credentials? Just curious.
There’s no record of Judy responding to Connie. Sorry.
so this is a scam? what a shame because my father-in-law has dementia and I would like to see if my wife would like to try this.
There are numerous other things you can do to improve your mental health (as we outline in our articles). Or you can overpay for useless advice in this “scam”.
I was “hopeful” after listening to the lengthy 5 minute video. Of course it should have registered it was too good to be true. I’m more intelligent than thus, but yes, it feeds on one’s fears and hopes. Thanks for helping me avoid this mistake.
thank you so much for this informative article. I have been bombarded with these kinds of infomercials before and I was just waiting for the “pitch” when their “moral obligation” to share with the public came with a price tag. Didn’t bother waiting for that and went looking for reviews but they kept sending me back to the dumb infomercial. That definitely got me more skeptical so when I found the above, it confirmed what my gut was already telling me. Thanks again for actually doing the moral thing by sharing.
I purchased Memory Healer Program and two other items last week, but have never received a confirmation email. Therefore, I have never had access to my account to download any of the items. I have used the contact page of their website twice, and still have not heard anything from them, even though it says they answer within 24 hours. I plan to contact my credit card company now, and dispute all the charges. Is this what you would recommend?
Memory Healer may have used Clickbank or some other payment gateway to collect the money from you. You will want to try securing a refund through that gateway (in this case, Clickbank) before you dispute the charge with your credit card-issuing bank.
Thank you for your excellent alert. I somehow stumbled onto this “memory healer” scam and found myself listening to an interminable audio avalanche of self-promotion. Fortunately I quit the website before dying of boredom. I resent their attempt to force-feed their product to listeners. The sales technique alone is an immediate red light. like “r” says above ” even if the information is correct … at the beginning of the infomercial he says stay with me for 5 minutes and we’re still at it 20-25 minutes later.”. Thank God I didn’t stay that long. If the presenter can lie like that at the beginning of his pitch, I have absolutely no faith in the rest of what he has to say. Instead, your article spells out everything we need to know if we are serious about looking for a real solution – i.e reduce intake of simple carbohydrates, increase exercise, increase unprocessed foods etc.
LOL. 5 minutes more like 50 minutes. Lets all remember televangelist Jim Bakker when it comes to SCAMSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS………
This is the second kind of scam that was sent to me. I just had the feeling that this wasn’t true this so called Dr. was not being honest he just wanted to make easy money. I always go by my instincts so I never bought nothing and I’m glad I didn’t. They really try to make you believe in what they have found to be true there are a lot of people who will believe almost anything.
Is STEP real? Is it proven to be the main issue for memory loss?
STEP is a protein found in the brain that has some connection to brain processes. However, too little is known about it to come to any medical conclusions. As of late 2014, Yale researchers found the some indications that warranted further study.
I requested a refund for their Memory Healer program and they promptly answered my email offering me alternative programs in exchange or my money back. I chose the money back and they refunded the money to my credit card within the 4 days they promised. They even refunded my money for their boundless Brain Progran which I did not request.
I found their business practice to be integral.
Avi, where did you request the refund from Memory Healer? What site or email address did you use to request your refund? I would really appreciate your information. Thanks.
Did you find how to get a refund? Of course they put no place how to get it.
even if the information is correct … at the beginning of the infomercial he says stay with me for 5 minutes and we’re still at it 20-25 minutes later.
is my credit card in jeopardy I did not see your comments about the scam until after I submitted my information please answer asap
You should be able to secure a refund from Clickbank. Please let us know if they are not responsive. Moreover, your credit card issuer should be willing to cancel the transaction if Clickbank doesn’t give a refund.
After checking my credit card statement for Sept 18 to Oct 19 it showed an amount of $69.00 paid to
softwareprojects.com with a phone number 1-800-218-1525. I called this number Nov 19 and told them it was
for a book entitled Memory Healer and that I had never received it and requested that my credit card be re-imbursed . The lady said it would be sent immediately.
I implemented the Memory Healer Program food combining and my Alzheimer Client went from not walking and talking to walking and talking….immediate results when I made a juice. I now make jello and popsicles too. I am 61, with a family history of the disease. I personally depend on the food combining theory as well for better memory.