COOL TIP: Low-Cost Diets That Actually Work! (Hint: most are free and most will save you $)

Paleo, Vegan, Mediterranean, Raw Food, South Beach,  Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Red Mountain, Medifast…….all of these diets can be very confusing.  No, actually they ARE confusing.  They are selling you the goal you are wanting: to lose weight and feel better.  BUT, in most cases, they … Read more

ANALYSIS: A New “Magic Bullet” for Good Health Spawns New Diet Scams

Fad diets.   Arrrgggh!    The “weight loss” and “diet” industries are enough to drive consumer advocates to drink….or eat… largely because none of them really work.   In fact, that’s the weighty little secret in the diet business…..their benefits are largely short-term, if any at all.   The … Read more